Let's talk Skirmishes (+ contest!) - War Robots
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Let's talk Skirmishes (+ contest!)

by WR_Tofsla - 14.09.2018

Everyday sweating in ranked is great and all, but sometimes you want something more light and carefree. We made skirmishes in search for new unique experiences. This is the place for weirdness and novelty.

But this is also the place for experiments. How will the game change if we make every gun destroy any robot with just one shot?

(Now as we tried that... not gonna happen)

A lot can be tried on the test server, but its "work in progress" atmosphere is clearly not for everyone's taste. In Skirmish we can show experimental changes to a bigger audience — in a clear and fun way.

Some sweet Skirmish data

Most popular Skirmishes


  • 5.07 - 8.07
  • Rules: Giant jumping Schutzes fight tiny Raijins
  • Battles played: 685 324

This one is by far the wonkiest Skirmish we had — and it was a hit. Especially in terms of discussions which giant jumping Schutzes eventually stirred.

Bring out the big guns

  • 17.05 - 20.05
  • Rules: all slots on all robots become heavy
  • Battles played: 686 437

Patton with four Trebuchets. Stalker with Redeemers. Simple, straightforward, all-demolishing fun.

One shot — one kill

  • 12.07 - 15.07
  • Rules: all weapons kill with one hit. Always
  • Battles played: 2 182 187

This one is SO far ahead, and it's simple to guess why. Robots died quickly in this mode. Hangars emptied up so quickly, you could jump to the next game almost instantly

The most divisive Skirmish

Old Guard

  • 9.08 - 12.08
  • Rules: Gepards, Golems, Natashas, Vityazes, Boas — and nothing else
  • Battles played: 364 068

Here where we channeled the old school. Pure Walking War Robots experience.

And this is where opinions divided. Some said: "This is the most fun I had in years! Nobody even tried to dash away from me. This is how I remember the old days!" Others: "Boohoo, why this is soooo sloowwwwwwwww"

And that's fine. In Skirmishes, anyone can find a different flavor of War Robots. Not just weird, but niche kind of fun.

Contest: Dream Skirmish

Blitz, Rayker and Invader (all three!) will go to authors of 25 best Skirmish ideas

We know you have millions of Skirmish ideas. Time to make them a reality!

Suggest the Skirmish you'd like to see in the game here. We will hand-pick 25 best ideas we'd like to try ourselves, and their authors will receive Blitz, Rayker, and Invader — all three of them! — to start messing with the battlefield.

What you can do with Skirmishes

  • Select available maps and modes

If you have some weird idea that works best only on a particular map or in a particular mode, just limit your Skirmish to these exclusively.

  • Fiddle with parameters and abilities however you want

You can go as far as to create the new robots based on existing ones (remember giant Schutzes).

You can give custom stats to your favourite gun, or give any robot any ability — as long as it is supported by its rig. Rhino's ability will look weird on Griffin, but Jump and Dash will fit pretty much anything.

  • Set up multiple hangars for different players

You can set up to 12 hangars for every team-based match — one per every player.

Note: if you apply more than 1 idea, our judges will only consider your last one. If they see two similar ideas from different people, the first one (chronologically) will always be prioritized.

Apply ideas here

Deadline: SEPTEMBER 25th (3PM UTC)

Results will be published on OCTOBER 2ND

Let's do this!

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