The event will start shortly after the update is released on most platforms. It will include Operation "E", in which you can earn the latest Data Pads. You can progress through Operation "E" by completing Event Tasks.
Discounts on D-Gems and other resources:
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Here are the main features:
- New titan build: Bjorn + Huginn & Muninn + Pilot Sigrid Solmer
- New Mothership: Bifrost
- New ULTIMATE editions: Leech + Tulumbas (Medium) + Pilot Einarr Stálsson
- New title: Adamant
- All hangar access: Deploy from ALL hangar decks at any time!
- Operations Rework
- Advanced Audio Settings
- Hit Indication Settings
- Global Rebalance
Follow our social media during the update for more information and giveaways:
- WR on Discord: https://discord.gg/warrobots
- WR on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/walkingwarrobots
- WR on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/warrobots
Participate in Leaderboards to earn this collectible Title for your account:
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Bjorn is a beast of a Titan. EvoLife has crafted a machine that seamlessly blends power and elegance. Bjorn offers two dynamic modes: Sphere Stance maximizes protection, boosts acceleration, and deals continuous damage to nearby foes, while Bear Stance grants access to devastating weaponry and a protective Aegis Shield. With Huginn and Muninn perched on Bjorn’s shoulders, it will brawl through hordes of enemies, chaining damage between them. And with Sigrid Solmer on board, both of Bjorn’s stances will be further enhanced.
Grin and bear it
SHAPESHIFT (Primary): The Titan switches between two modes. In Sphere Stance, it activates a protective core that reduces all incoming damage and continuously deals damage around itself. In Bear Stance, the Titan can fire from its equipped weapons and gains a temporary Aegis shield.
Ball Damage Reduction: 85% (600 Defence Points)
FEROCITY (Secondary):
Sphere Stance: The Titan gains a brief speed boost.
Bear Stance: The Titan activates a Defense system that cannot be mitigated but becomes immobile.
Sphere Speed boost: +60%
Bear Defence value: 75%
Cooldown: 10 sec
Weapon Slots | 2x Alpha, 2x Beta |
Specialization | Tank |
Durability | 900 000 |
Movement Speed | 45 km/h |
Defence points | 220 |
The above stats are for a maxed out item. The figures are valid for this release and may change in future updates. |
The weapon directs a powerful stream of energy at the target. If there are several enemies nearby, the deadly energy will then jump from target to target, with the initial victim suffering the most damage. A lone enemy will receive more damage, absorbing the full force of the blow. The gun also accumulates the Lock-Down on the affected robots to keep them in the area for a longer time.
Weapon Slot | Alpha |
Special Effect | Lock-Down |
Damage Type | Energy |
Range | 350m, 150m ricochet |
Damage per Particle | 5800 |
Particles per Shot | 1 |
Shot Interval | 0.1 |
Ammo | 60 |
Reload Interval | 7 |
Reload Amount | 60 |
The above stats are for a maxed out item. The figures are valid for this release and may change in future updates. |
Nevermore! Or... Just more?
Weapon Slot | Beta |
Special Effect | Lock-Down, Chain |
Damage Type | Energy |
Range | 350m, 150m ricochet |
Damage per Particle | 4000 |
Particles per Shot | 1 |
Shot Interval | 0.1 |
Ammo | 60 |
Reload Interval | 7 |
Reload Amount | 60 |
The above stats are for a maxed out item. The figures are valid for this release and may change in future updates. |
Her playlist? Heavy metal
Her vibe? Pure destruction
Bearskin: Protection from Bear defence stance is increased
Strength of Spirit: +13% to Durability
Iron Grip: While in ball form, the Titan's built-in weaponry applies the Lock-Down effect
Valhalla's Finest Flower
Gliding through the endless expanse of the cosmos, the Bifröst unfurls its radiant petals, the vessel bridging the divide between survival and oblivion. Whispers among the stars tell of its origin, crafted by the starlit artisans of EvoLife who sought to recreate the bridge of the gods. This celestial ship is both a lifeline and a symbol of unity in the vastness of space. When allies falter, the Bifröst's energy coalesces into protective barriers, like fragments of that mythical bridge, protecting the commanders and their robots from harm.
Radiant Veil: A veil of shining light infused with latest nanotech creates a protective casing around robot's armor plates, making them stronger and adding 10 stacks of Defence Points multiplied by the amount of Points in one stack. When the stacks reach their peak, the defence system activates for a couple of seconds and then dissolves, applying the CLEANSE effect at the end. None the robot's Defence Points can be mitigated while the mothership's ability is active.
Want to return the damage to enemies? Leech is the perfect robot for the job!
The Ultimate Leech takes damage chaining to the next level—outperforming even the classic version. Pair it with the Ultimate Tulumbas for maximum impact! While the original Tulumbas were considered low-tier weapons, many of you still remember their devastating rocket volleys and AOE damage. We've retained those signature traits while upgrading the Tulumbas to T4 in their Ultimate form. These weapons come with a powerful new feature: the longer you fire and the lower your ammo gets, the more damage you deal!
Redirecting damage since 2019
Repulse: Leech activates a defence system and absorbs most of the damage. If there is an enemy in the robot’s sights, Leech can establish a connection with it and redirect part of the incoming damage to it. This defense cannot be mitigated.
Damage Reduction: 90% (900 Defence points)
Self-repair 1%
Redirected Damage: 35%
Duration: 9 sec.
Cooldown: 14 sec.
Range: 500 m.
Weapon Slots | x4 Medium |
Specialization | Damage Dealer |
Durability | 264000 |
Movement Speed | 64 km/h |
Bonus for MK2 | Self-repair 3% |
Bonus for MK3 | Redirected damage 50% |
The above stats are for a maxed out item. The figures are valid for this release and may change in future updates. |
Rocket Barrage incoming!
Weapon Slot | Medium |
Special Effect | Barrage |
Damage Type | Explosion |
Range | 500 m |
Damage per Particle | 8500 |
Particles per Shot | 1 |
Shot Interval | 0.23 |
Ammo | 10 |
Reload Interval | 1 |
Reload Amount | 1 |
The above stats are for a maxed out item. The figures are valid for this release and may change in future updates. |
Look back if you're going that way
Iron Will: Leech partially restores Durability and grants additional Durability when it drops to a critical level.
From now on, you can use all your open Hangar Decks in every battle! The rules stay the same—you can't deploy more than 5 robots and 1 titan in a battle—but now you can place all your favorite robots and choose any of them. It's time to put some extra Snipers in your backup Hangar!
As we mentioned in our 2024 Year in Review, Operations will once again feature both free and premium reward tracks. Plus, each Operation will now have its own dedicated quest tab, making it easier to track your progress and see what you need to do to earn Operations experience.
Resource Operations R and B are being merged into a new Operation called "All You Need", which will include a variety of WR resources, from Modules to Upgrade Tokens.
Meanwhile, Operations E and D will be renamed "Event" and "Datapad", respectively.
For now, all Operations are temporarily disabled while we make technical improvements. Any Operations that were in progress have already been completed yesterday, and rewards have been distributed. Operations will be back next week—stay tuned!
Separate volume controls now can be found in Settings for Game Music, Sound Effects, Interface Sounds, and Master Volume.
Damage feedback system now displays real-time information on damage dealt and the type of object hit (e.g., Durability or Shields). Shield types are color-coded: Yellow for Aegis, Purple for Absorber, Grey for Physical, and Red for Durability.
These robots and weapons tier changed from T4 to T3 due to their performance in higher leagues.
Ao Jun, Deathwing Ao Jun
Ares, Eldritch Ares
Behemoth, Ardent Behemoth
Blitz, Ardent Blitz
Hades, Imperial Hades, Composite Hades
Fenrir, Giftbringer Fenrir, Cryptic Fenrir
Invader, Arachnid Invader
Leech, Frozen Leech, Scarab Leech
Phantom, Stellar Phantom
Avalanche, Freedom Avalanche
Fainter, Gothic Fainter
Glacier, Cryo, Rime, Sinister Glacier, Sinister Cryo, Skydriver Cryo, Sinister Rime
Redeemer, Cryptic Redeemer
Skadi, Snaer, Hel, Teremok Snaer, Freedom Skadi, Corrupted Skadi, Teremok Hel
Scorcher, Incinerator, Scald, Dread Scald, Augmented Scald, Warrior Scorcher, Dread Incinerator
Viper, Ardent Viper, Candy Viper
Volt, Weber, Gauss, Solid Gauss
Reduced companion bot damage (-50%)
Increased companion bot accuracy
Reduced bonus to movement speed from Mastermind (40% → 20%)
Increased Celestial Voice duration (12 → 14 sec)
Increased MK3 bonus to damage against Titans (x1.5 → x1.9)
Reduced the amount of both Green and Gray Durability repaired by losing 1 shield while Celestial Voice is active (60% → 25%)
Reduced built-in weapon damage (-40%)
Reduced base movement speed while Celestial Voice is active (50 → 35 km/h)
Increased Durability (+15%)
Reduced Translocator (Flashing Escape) lifetime (30 → 20 sec)
Increased Comet Splash duration (5 → 7 sec)
Increased Durability (+15%)
Reduced the amount of damage blocked by the Reflector (60% → 40%)
Reduced the amount of damage returned by the Reflector (30% → 15%)
Reduced jump range and height
Note: The previous description of Comet Splash was incorrect. Raptor blocked 60% of incoming damage while using its ability, and not 70% as its description suggested. The Reflector also returned 30% of incoming damage instead of 20%.
Reduced Track cooldown (12 → 10 sec)
Reduced Durability (-25%)
Reduced movement speed (50 → 47 km/h)
Increased the duration of the Absorber phase of Retribution (2 → 4 sec)
Increased built-in weapon damage (+7%)
Increased the limit of bonus damage that can be provided by the Absorber (+7%)
Reduced Double Jump cooldown (18 → 16 sec per charge)
Increased Durability (+10%)
Increased movement speed (53 → 55 km/h)
Reduced Descend cooldown (20 → 18 sec)
Assault mode: Increased physical shield durability (+10%)
Repair mode: Increased the amount of repaired Durability (+6%)
Increased Durability (+13%)
Reduced Glance cooldown (10 → 9 sec per charge)
Increased movement speed bonus from Hunt (33% → 37%)
Increased Ancile capacity (+12%)
Increased Durability (+7%)
Reduced Dash cooldown (10 → 9 sec per charge)
Increased physical shield durability (+10%)
Increased Durability (+13%)
Increased damage bonus from Quake (10% → 20%)
Increased movement speed (53 → 55 km/h)
Increased Durability (+10%)
Increased movement speed (40 → 42 km/h)
Reduced Defense Points (250 → 200 when fully upgraded)
Reduced the duration of the Hook effect, during which incoming damage is converted to DoT (10 → 6 sec)
Reduced resistance to DoT damage (75% → 50%)
Reduced Jump Back cooldown (7 → 4.5 sec)
Increased built-in weapon damage (+30%)
Reduced Durability (-35%)
Reduced damage bonus from the Fatigue effect (x2 → x1.2)
Reduced Disposal cooldown (15 → 13 sec)
Increased the amount of Durability repaired to self (Active Support) (1% → 9%)
Increased the amount of Durability repaired to allies (Active Support) (5% → 6% per sec)
Increased Durability (+15%)
Increased physical shield durability (+8%)
Increased Defense Points (170 → 185 when fully upgraded)
Increased damage from the power field (Castling) (+12%)
Increased durability of all physical shields except for the 2 on the back side (+6%)
Increased the amount of Durability repaired for each destroyed shield (Shield Replacement) (40,000 → 45,000 when fully upgraded)
Increased movement speed (41 → 43 km/h)
Increased built-in weapon damage (+10%)
Increased Skyward duration (10 → 12 sec)
Increased Durability (+7%)
Increased damage of the Remote Assault turret (both when deployed and undeployed) (+15%)
Increased the amount of Durability repaired by the Remote Restore turret while it is undeployed (5% → 6% per tick)
Increased Durability (+9%)
Smite, Discipline
Increased damage (+5%)
Increased splash radius (3m → 7m)
Reduced BLASTCHARGE accumulation (44 → 20 per hit)
Increased reload time (4 → 8 sec)
Howler, Screamer, Growler
Increased burst interval (0.65 → 1.3 sec)
Aramis, Porthos, Athos
Increased the amount of damage returned as repairs (30% → 40%)
Reduced damage (-15%)
Hurricane, Dune
Increased damage (+20%)
Reduced effective range (1,100m → 600m)
Snaer, Skadi, Hel
Increased FREEZE accumulation (+5%)
Increased damage (+8%)
Claw, Jaw, Talon
Increased damage (+7%)
Scald, Scorcher, Incinerator
Increased damage from explosion (+6%)
Cudgel, Mace, Hammer
Reduced projectile dispersion (-6%)
Increased BLAST accumulation (+5%)
Ksiphos, Labrys, Cestus
Increased damage (+10%)
Increased damage bonus from consecutive shots (x1 | x 1.3 | x1.9 → x1 | x 1.6 | x2.2)
Reduced shot interval (0.15 → 0.13 sec)
Increased damage (+12%)
Anguisher, Ruiner
Increased damage over time (400 → 600 per sec)
Reduced damage (-30%)
Increased horizontal particle dispersion (+25%)
Increased vertical particle dispersion (+33%)
Reduced DoT duration (10 → 4 sec)
Increased damage (+20%)
Increased reload time (6 → 15 sec)
Inferno, Pyro
Decreased time before the weapon starts cooling off (5 → 4 sec)
Reduced damage (-25%)
Tumultus, Discordia
Increased reload interval (1 → 2 sec)
Bulava, Kisten
Increased splash radius (7.5m → 10m)
Increased damage (+10%)
Grom, Squall
Reduced reload time (Grom: 16 → 13 sec) (Squall: 24 → 21 sec)
Increased damage (+12%)
Increased the amount of Gray Durability repaired by [On Threshold: Fix%] (7% → 8% when fully upgraded)
The [On Kill/Assist: Bonus Damage] ability is replaced by a new mechanic. Pascal will provide a 10% bonus to damage as long as the robot has Heavy Armor Plates (Curie).
Reduced the amount of Defense Points from [On Threshold: Resist] (100 → 50)
Reduced [Quantum Sensor] radius (350m → 250m when fully upgraded)
Note: We are also fixing the bug that allowed [Counterblind] to activate every 5 seconds instead of 20 as stated in the ability description.
Increased the amount of Defense Points provided by [On Damage Done: Defense] (+2 per 150,000 damage)
Increased bonus to movement speed from [On Low Durability: Speed] (7 → 9 km/h)
Last Stand will now activate at 80% Durability instead of 35%.
The Eye
Reduced [On Drone Shooting: Deathmark] cooldown (20 → 17 sec)
Increased built-in weapon damage (+10%)
Increased the amount of Durability repaired by [Persephone’s Heal] (800 → 900 per sec)
Increased the duration of Absorber from [On High Damage: Absorber] (1 → 2 sec)
Increased the amount of Durability repaired by [On High Damage: Fix] (+7%)
Willa Owe (Dux)
STEALTH from the Puppet Master ability will now only last 5 seconds.
Increased the amount of Green Durability restored (10% → 15%)
Reduced the amount of Gray Durability restored (15% → 7%)
Reduced the amount of CLEANSE stacks applied (15 → 5)
Increased damage (+20%)
- Fixed inaccurate projectile targeting for Dux bots' built-in weapons.
- Fixed an issue causing infinite loading when leaving a squad after a match.
- Fixed duplicate clan tags appearing in the clan table.
- Fixed Retro Revenant’s legs facing the wrong direction in the hangar.
- Fixed the Kestrel’s description.
- Fixed no ability icon for Chongue in its description.
- Fixed instant Titan upgrades not being counted in tasks.
- Fixed negative status icons not appearing next to enemy robots.
- Fixed an issue where Rook’s physical shield would sometimes fail to restore after using Shield Replacement.