INTEL - War Robots


Author - War Robots

Intel is a permanent account-wide bonus that gives you a increasingly greater edge in battle with every match you play.

What's the difference between a veteran Commander and a beginner? A hangar full of mighty robots, higher League places, or is it just skill? All of these are important to a War Robots Champion and they all take time. With Intel, we want to reward you for the time you dedicate to War Robots.

Intel is a feature that mirrors your growth as a Commander. You earn Intel points by destroying enemy equipment in battle. Accumulating Intel points on a piece of equipment makes you more efficient at combating it. Sent a Raptor to the scrapyard? Next time you'll do it a bit faster, as you'll deal more damage to that robot. Did the target have a Dune equipped? From now on, you will be able to withstand a few more hits from that weapon! Intel bonuses combine with your ever-increasing knowledge and skill to shape the War Robots battlefields and serve as a visual representation of your account's progress.

In this article, we explain everything you need to know about the new system.


While blasting reds on your own is a sure way to gather Intel, you also get a fixed amount of Intel points at the end of a match for everything you destroy together with your team. There are bonus points for scoring a Kill or an Assist, but simply being around and contributing to the team's efforts will provide you with a slow but steady stream of crucial intelligence.

Obtaining an item for your Hangar for the first time and upgrading it to MK2 and then MK3 also gives you Intel points. Seeing the tech firsthand and tinkering with it means you get to know more of its properties, right?

Buying an MK2 or MK3 item directly from Offers in the Shop yields Intel too, and you'll get some for the tech you upgraded in the past when you launch the game after the Intel feature goes live.

Playing consistently is key when doing research and honing piloting skills. The first 5 battles you complete every day will provide a big chunk of bonus Intel. This will narrow the gap between Commanders who prefer longer play sessions and those with a tighter daily schedule. However, playing in squads won't change the Intel accumulation rates and some of the Custom games and modes from Rotating Queue do not provide any at all.


Intel works for all T4 robots, weapons, Titans, and Titan weapons. Older generations of robots and weapons, on the other hand, are no secret to War Robots pilots and will neither yield any Intel points nor get any bonuses. Any Special Editions count as the original, but Ultimates will have an Intel progression all of their own. All the recently added equipment will also yield less Intel at first: gathering information about a robot no one has ever seen before is a slow and challenging process.

Fun fact: if you shoot off a robot’s weapon with a critical hit, you won't get Intel points for that weapon. It can't be researched while the enemy is still stomping around nearby, you'll need to take down the rest of your quarry too.


Obtaining Intel points for a specific weapon or robot is a process that has to pass several thresholds. Once you reach the first one, your Hangar bonuses start to activate. They will gradually rise as you go through all 5 thresholds until you reach 100% and complete the research. After that, the process stops and the bonuses stay with you forever. Congratulations with the completion of your first Intel research!

Here's the list of bonuses that can be unlocked and reinforced with Intel:

Titans & Robots:

  • Bonus damage against the target
  • Reduction of damage suffered from the built-in weapons and equipment of the target
  • Partial resistance to special effects applied by the target's abilities (reduced duration, DoT damage, or accumulation rate – whichever is applicable)

Titan & Robot weapons:

  • Reduction of damage taken from the weapon
  • Partial resistance to special effects applied by the weapon (reduced duration, DoT damage, or accumulation rate – whichever is applicable)

Note: Intel Bonuses only work against enemy robots, Titans and their weapons and will not affect teammates! For example, you won't provide bonus repair to a robot that you have full Intel on.


Tracking your Intel with so many robots and Titans can be a drag sometimes. No worries, there's another feature that goes hand in hand with it – Collection. A dedicated menu will let you track your progress, see the bonuses you acquired against particular robots and the equipment you collected over your WR journey. By the way, the overall level of your Intel progress will be also be shown there as well as being displayed in your game profile. Everyone will see just how far you've come!


Intel is all about becoming stronger after each battle and the sense of accomplishment when you finally finish researching another weapon for your Collection. This system is unlike anything we've ever implemented in War Robots, so you might expect some tweaks to it in future updates. Stay tuned for more announcements on our Socials.

Good luck with your research, Commanders!

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