War Robots
User info

Richard Cramer


Played for nearly 3 years on android in between a year on iOS and nearly a year on gameroom. I love this game even with its ups and downs one of very few games that makes me want to pick it up and play a match any time of night or day. I spend real money on gold with 300+ percent deals but everything has basically been earned with saving and components. Only just got my first dash. Favourite bots are my light ones manly Jesse.

Richard Cramer7 years ago

I use a storm gust and thunder on my golem ( weather golem ) it can take down even a haichi if within 150/100 distance easy by time clips empty. You just have to use them right. With my Doc's I use a storm/orkan builds and even on my Jesse gust/alphid don't knock them before you try them setups. Yes you have to be close that's how I like to play brawler style. But nothing makes you smile when someone with a top level dash bot with shocktrains comes round corner thinking they can kill you and by time they dashed round your nuking there hp bar they can only dash back into cover in shock by which time you've killed them. Can't speak for butch don't have one but I'm sure it will work in a similar way with thermite/thunder

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Richard Cramer7 years ago

i dont comment often but you developers our taking the micky now.ive been playing your game ever since it was Walking War Robots over 3 years. i spend real money in game not all the time but enough for somebody who works full time.i myself dont even have a full lvl12 mk1 hanger even tho i have 2 hangers 1 for tdm/Dom another for Koth/Br. these boosters for damage our out of order combine that with speed/regen boosters which yoh have an facing full squads/guilds in random mode with these buffs when they our all lvl 12 mk2 anyway is over kill. how in hell can any none paying or even someone like me who spends when he has spare cash survive. all my bots lancelot etc die in 2 hits everytime built in shields an anciel shields cant even hold back the amount of damage these people or doing. the others boosters for silver etc fine no problem with them more than happy to spend gold. yes you also reduced the keys from supply drops so any normal person who works doesnt have any chance to get a super chest. it was bad enough when you upped the amount of keys requied now normal people who play when there not working or have familys even kids who play will just find another game that doesnt treat you like you guys do to us. you guys should of learned from the major EA scandle with Star Wars BF2 look what happenes to them and that game has never recovered. i love your game pixo i even quit world of warcraft put my monthly sub and more cash into your game each month and have took most of the bad and good you lot have done with this game and tried to adapt but these boosters our to far. your pushing out a major amount of your fan base. just go on youtube and see the backlash from everyone from all leagues even legend league. you still havnt fixed the tarans an orkans damage bugs which our your 2 main major med weapons everyone uses. your now promoting tanking of leagues as people wont want to fight anyone with these boosters and so called now mk3 weapons. some people with shield boosters and abilty reduction boosters and speed boosters wont die even with a whole squad on them and dash bots were fast enough now there even worse. most people our lucky if they can spend 5 to 10 pound ingame a month you have no made your game unplayable. maybe if you made a guild squad only mode it may even a bit out but not much. but i think you will see loads of people tanking all wag to private just to get an ok match. which in turn you win ban them so they leave your game and anyone new to the game starting out will leave because they cant do any tasks or have a far fight. you have made loada of promises to us your player base and you say you listen to feedback well if i were id listen and act soon as possible and watching facebook and its groups and twitch and youtube because even the people who spend hundreds in your game our now getting sick of waiting for you to listen to them... i do hope you read this an act because even if i love your game well did i know i wont be coming back or giving you anymore cash till you sort out your mess and the hole your digging yourself into. good day. jeremy kyle show android

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Richard Cramer7 years ago

finally about time. cant wait to try it out...... One last thing what about my influence points still waiting for them to appear as gold

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Richard Cramer7 years ago

I totally agree that they need to turn back around the lvling up times for each item bot/weapon to how it was before... i have gotten used to having boosters but the lvling up time now takes the pee. at least before we had a chance to lvl up our stuff at a good rate and be able to fight back agenst the Tankers now i know of at least 7 people who have left the game due to the upgrade times and they played for years and spent real cash aswel... just makes you wonder how new players cope bless them

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Richard Cramer7 years ago

think there plan is to give you silver deals everyday and encourage us to use silver boosters and buy premium to top up our silver

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Richard Cramer7 years ago

I totally agree that they need to turn back around the lvling up times for each item bot/weapon to how it was before... i have gotten used to having boosters but the lvling up time now takes the pee. at least before we had a chance to lvl up our stuff at a good rate and be able to fight back agenst the Tankers now i know of at least 7 people who have left the game due to the upgrade times and they played for years and spent real cash aswel... just makes you wonder how new players cope bless them

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Richard Cramer6 years ago

You know what.Every game mode now on its own tab. Tested the test server and I had fun again not like I had had in a while. My falcon will finally be used as a brawler can't wait. Shocktrain nurfed old bots getting buffs what's not to love. I'll probably complaint. When we only get random and ffa only again but have loved playing koth mostly with people who like it also as people who don't like it don't have to select it no more and don't ruin the game. Even find myself playing tdm which I would never do in past. So you know what I'm happy things are changing and they are showing older bots weapons the much needed love. So for once from me Jeremy Kyle Show well done Pixo release the update now as I'm well happy.
Hater will hate but end of the day it's only a game you choose to download and play it so stop moaning or uninstall it and play pubg or something.

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Richard Cramer6 years ago

You know what best update ever with the rebalancing you have done. Still waiting on a thunder buff but I can wait. Matches in expert league at least seem less SpecTrains and SpecOrkans on the battlefield and when I do face them easier to handle not getting one shot killed on more so love it. Falcon became my new Brawling. Side note you need to put the new rooting shotguns in WS2.0 still as you said it would be there after this update then again I may be being I patient and update not gone fully live yet so will double check tomorrow. One Big thing I recommend is put the old economy back to how it was in MK1 weapons only keep it how it is for MK2 and I think you will make myself and others more happy so we can stand an chance to all get to lvl 12 MK1 without to much hassle. Also noticed you ruined my Falcon idea from test server where I could have two ancil shield on back slots I would put it back to how it was and allow use to run 3 on all slots if people wanted that's just a suggestion. Also why I'm on about ancil shields can you make it so butch can equip at least one in the future would definitely open up people playing and using more heavy bots in the future as at the moment people only use Butch as a sniper being able to put a shield or two on him would make myself and others use him as a brawler if we wanted to. One last thing now you have focused on heavy bots how about giving the lite Bots some love in next update some of us still use them as beacon runners even if we do have dash bots. Last but not least Doc needs some love maybe at least a reduction of switching times.

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Richard Cramer6 years ago

Ok now you pissed me off. Been playing this game for nearly 4 years and spend real money in-game for gold to help upgrade times and now your only after the money you know what. If these production times go into effect on October I'm done. I thought when you brought WS2,0 it was great now your basically ruining what you have put in place for us. I always used to fight your corner with most updates take the rough with the smooth but I will be making if this goes live my YouTube viewers included get rid of our accounts. Making people wait even longer cost more silver to get anyway near a decent hanger needed to keep us with the game with tankers etc. Why ruin one of the good things you made.

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