I'm going to come out and say that tbis "cool-down" for respawn idea is pure horse puckey.
Let's look at this for a second...
They're stating that it is to keep people from frivolously blowing off robots in order to jump to a beacon etc.
First off, I myself have never done that. I don't even know how to pop off my robots like these ass-hat tankers have been doing all this time.
Secondly, it has appeared to me that very few are even tanking anymore. I used to see it every battle. Often times, entire clans (ton of respect for those tools, totally sarcastic) just blowing off their entire hangar worth of Cossacks, leaving me and one other pilot to get our asses kicked, and the home spawn area looking like a bunch of dead cockroaches. I actually have screen shots of one of such battles. Anyway, I digress. I'm not seeing it anymore, except for the rare battle where I'm figuring some dufus that didn't get the memo or hasn't played in a while pops off his hangar.
THIRDLY, and arguably the most notable is how there us an article written by FM9CUY (a self-admitted "mild-tanker", mind you) that illustrates in MULTIPLE WAYS how to do just what you guys are claiming you want to implement the "respawn cool-down" to stop. Are you effing serious???
Don't punish players because of what appears to me (in Gold I) to have gotten better, especially when you have an article on this very site which promotes such stupidity.