War Robots
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backtothefront7 years ago

I'm going to come out and say that tbis "cool-down" for respawn idea is pure horse puckey.

Let's look at this for a second...

They're stating that it is to keep people from frivolously blowing off robots in order to jump to a beacon etc.

First off, I myself have never done that. I don't even know how to pop off my robots like these ass-hat tankers have been doing all this time.

Secondly, it has appeared to me that very few are even tanking anymore. I used to see it every battle. Often times, entire clans (ton of respect for those tools, totally sarcastic) just blowing off their entire hangar worth of Cossacks, leaving me and one other pilot to get our asses kicked, and the home spawn area looking like a bunch of dead cockroaches. I actually have screen shots of one of such battles. Anyway, I digress. I'm not seeing it anymore, except for the rare battle where I'm figuring some dufus that didn't get the memo or hasn't played in a while pops off his hangar.

THIRDLY, and arguably the most notable is how there us an article written by FM9CUY (a self-admitted "mild-tanker", mind you) that illustrates in MULTIPLE WAYS how to do just what you guys are claiming you want to implement the "respawn cool-down" to stop. Are you effing serious???

Don't punish players because of what appears to me (in Gold I) to have gotten better, especially when you have an article on this very site which promotes such stupidity.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Anyone been taking note of how the comments are all jumbled to hell??

You've got to scan through them all to find the post you just put up, or the response to you. post from another commenter.


We're dealing with scoundrels folks. Plain and simple. Keep the masses scattered.

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backtothefront7 years ago

And to further clarify. One doesn't need to draw parallel that in this game we are shooting at each others robots to how you'd act if being shot at in real life. (Although one very reasonably could... and compare this to how you'd support and behave in a real war situation, honorably as a fellow fighter, or singularly hoping to 'maybe' save your own ass)...No, one can very easily, and I propose, quite accurately pinpoint that if one acts in a 'me first', 'out for myself' manner in a team playing game...well, they more than likely act like that in their day to day travels as well. From big to small circumstances.

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backtothefront7 years ago

In agreement. Shocktrains really blow. I don't even feel good when someone on my team has one...or three...as I've been against more times than I'd like to think about. Just completely sucks. Takes the battle out of the game.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Well, there in proves my point. You simply see it from an opposite vantage. I'd rather lose, than win with that approach. Be it in a game, or 'in real life'.

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backtothefront7 years ago

I'll be frank as well. I've only seen your opinion as a behind the screen cop-out, being that you wrote an article which skirts the undertone throughout this game that tanking and fading are reasonable approaches to success. You don't directly say it, but you sure do walk a fine line. And the person you are is rather apparent. Many studies have been done showing the farce that is the separation of how one acts when behind a screen, and the tactics they use 'irl' as you put it. (Acronyms are all the rage)
Nobody ever said cowards, cheaters and liars are stupid...they just lack spines.
Speaking of war and being honorable in the same sentence isn't naive nor a thing I'll EVER be ashamed of. You stand for your fellow soldiers. Thank God most don't see things like you.

Be as uncivil as you please. You only show who you are with your reasoning.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Thanks Pyro, I'm learning a lot as I go on this game, and the explanations are a great help. Opened my 4th slot about a week ago. Climbed me up to high Silver 1 from 3 pretty quick with the extra bot. The tanking thing is pretty weak. If it got to that point for me, I'd just stop playing as opposed to resorting to that. As it is, when I get absolutely shellacked I look at the players that pummeled me and they are WAY higher than me in level. Hit for hit, I can't compete with the damage they inflict. I'm leveling up my bots/weapons slowly. Tough waiting, but I'm not spending money. Gives me time to get better at tactics.
As an aside, I am loving my Punisher Griff. Not perfect by any means, but the singing of those once they humm up, and the taking down of shields and health has me giggling. I know there are better weapons/bots, but those are pretty satisfying. :)

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backtothefront7 years ago

I also want to chime in on the topic of medic bots.

I think this idea is dumb, dumb, DUMB!

I mean seriously guys...are you developers sitting around watching soap operas while you spit-ball these ideas??

Or watching re-runs of 'Happy Day's' so you can watch the "Fonz" jump the shark? Because, that's what this idea seems like...jumping the proverbial shark...

We don't need a tin can nurse to run around the battle field. Will it be wearing a nurse's outfit? White squishy soled shoes on its robot feet??

I'm sorry, this idea is pretty bad.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Don't do it. Don't start tanking. Use the opportunity to sharpen your skills. You will get better because of it.

If you take the easy way out, so you can fight easier opponents, you will have the battle knowledge of a skid stained pair of drawers.

Fight the frustration, dont leave battles, learn from what you are seeing. Good chance you're surrounded by those that are better than you, albeit, they are often going to be seal clubbing chumps. In not too much time you will be defeating them more than tbey are defeating you. Your damage average will go up.

Figure out the weapons you need, earn them and upgrade them and your bots.

Back to the front we go.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Well Pixonic, you've sure made for a bunch of happy pilots in here.
I cannot, for the life of me, fathom why you'd resort to such cash grab tactics. I tell ya, from where I'm standing it doesn't look to be doing so well. Unless your plan is to implode and get as much ill gotten loot as you can before the wheels fall of the cart.

These supply drops are just a rehash of the same thing. They're a "box" alright, a box of shit. Useless. Just filled with useless Crap. A couple keys to gamble with, a few shillings or silver and a negligible amount of component pieces.

How about gold?

I can just see you guys sitting in your board room, think tanking the next big load of excrement you're going to polish and throw a holiday theme on...banking on the players/pilots with very low IQ's to suck it up like thin gruel.

I think the peasants are getting hip, and the pitch forks are being set a blaze.

What a shame. Game seemed so cool. Greed strikes again. You just pushed too far.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Number Five is the lamest advice possible. Use a teammate as a meatshield? At that point you aren't a teammate...you're a friggin worthless leach. The kind that snubs right up against your ass as your firing around corner, and as you expend your clip, they're keeping you from backing up and causing you to get pummeled by the opponent/opponents you are doing all the work of dealing with...because players like this author are too 'dainty' (to phrase politically correctly) to stand next to you and help take the opponents down with you.

In a word or two, useless leaches that should be able to be taken out by friendly fire.

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backtothefront7 years ago

This is spot on.
Often note when an opponent does incredible damage with the same weapons I'm using. Check their rank and battles won...never jives with the low league they're in.

Seriously weak on multiple levels.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Well, if this wasn't an interesting find.


This is you, right?

What exactly is 'mild tanking' anyway?

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backtothefront7 years ago

And Im not sure you got it, but I'm in agreement with you on the medic BS. What I was saying is the battles often don't even go for the 10 minutes that the clock can go. And not for the lack of fighting that is left to do...there are still plenty of robots when the battle abruptly ends. And that I think is bogus. The clock should keep going until there is no one left to fight.

There is no reason for a medic not, save for some crack-pot scheme that Pixonic is cooking up to invariably fleece us of something. That is for damned sure. Just what and how, only time will tell.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Ok, when you say tanking are you referring to the prancers that blow off their robots in the beginning of the match, or are you referring to the seal-clubbing pussies that have obviously tanked to get where they are.?

I am not seeing much of the former anymore. But I am seeing the latter...I just came within 50,000 damage with a clan affiliated chump that had an all level 12 hangar. Dash bots, two of which were MK2. He got high 800,000 damage, I got mid 800k. His league??? Silver II.... Some 6000 plus victories. Total effing chump. Cheating fraud of a man. Dacter was his handle...of the born apehbi clan. Hang your pathetic head in shame.

My hanger BTW is only level 8 bots. 1000 wins. Kinda perpetually stuck in Gold I. I only started playing in December because my son wouldn't let me play on his Kindle, lol!! I think one thing to remember is most of the clan chumps are getting their wins by nefarious means. They have no skill. They have no balls. They are prancing, premidonna chumps. Take it to 'em. You might not get every fight, but you will more than likely out fight them in more battles than not. They are dulling their blades by laziness and cheating, you, many others, and I are sharpening ours by fighting through frustration and learning.

Go out and Kill. Back to the effing front we go. Because, well, Metallica.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Lol! I don't care where it comes from. It is lame, lame, LAME, I tell ya.

My 9 year old son thinks it's lame. That says something.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Oh, I hit post to quick....

So wait....you're condemning me for not a being a 'decent dude's because I'm describing you to a 'T', but you don't see yourself as not being a decent dude for espousing your myriad of excuses/cop outs for cheating in the game and from what I gather from your posts, life as well????

Suck it.

And gfys.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Charlie, I'm sorry, but in at least one of your earlier posts, you sit and correctly blame the ills of the game on tanking and the lowlife mentality that resorts to such tactics (basicly cheating).

Then, in a matter of posts, you start saying that you're gonna tank yourself. You are now using getting your virtual ass kicked as an excuse to resort in the endeavor that you yourself see as what is "killing the game".

Didn't take much to sell your soul and integrity, did it?

Suck it up, man up, and do like I've mentioned in a few posts and use this as an opportunity to "sharpen your blade", if you will.

I'll gaurrantee that your tactics absolutely stink like week old trash, and you've got room to improve greatly. No offense meant. We all grow in this game. I certainly have and have much more to grow. It's apparent every time I get my ass handed to me.

Otherwise, do us a favor and quit the game. Or put up your screen name so we can further demoralize you in battle. Don't worry, I dont have any Shocktrains. You'll be taken out un a hail of kinetic weaponry, or maybe my tarans.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Yes, I most certainly can call you or anyone else that tanks because they're too busy sucking their thumbs to a shriveled nub, low-life's.

Because it illustrates just how little mettle you possess. That you can't persevere through a 'game' dude. It is extremely dubious that your integrity in life is somehow more stand up and exemplary than what you show here. 'Life ain't going your way...might as well cheat', right??

And while this is a 'game', it isn't one where your spineless prancing actions only effect you. They effect the other 5 real people that are on your team 'directly'. They 'indirectly' effect all of us, and you are in full awareness and understanding of that as you outlined that yourself in one of your earlier posts of this thread, before you want schizo and started claiming you were going to tank yourself.

Save your diatribe about why you should tank for an audience that is sympathetic to your quitters mentality. I dont think that's who's in here.

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backtothefront7 years ago

I think you've got that backwards, and as a matter of fact, you are wrong anyway.

The more you claim that you cant win against this weapon or that bot, the more I'm convinced that your battle skills are in need of development.

Dont tank.

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backtothefront7 years ago

And you are cheating "real money out of real pockets" if you tank in this game. Because even if I don't spend money, there are others that do, and yet don't tank, so when you tank and they get pummeled because you left a game like prancing primadonna, their results aren't dictated by the challenge anymore...they're dictated by some creep who is playing a group interactive game, but yet sees only his own micro-peckered need to quit. You're not playing against a computer here. You're playing against other people who decided to take time out of their own lives to play when they hit that effing 'BATTLE' button.

Unbelievable that you clearly dont have the ability to make that connection.

And don't refer to me as "bro".

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backtothefront7 years ago

You aren't a man if you resort to the cop outs that you do Charlie. And I do take your horseshit personally, because it's you and your ilk that create the shit in the world that others have to deal with. That ain't innovation, but damn, you sure do sound classy and cutting edge with that.

More like classless.

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backtothefront7 years ago

I'm sorry, but this is just a well crafted excuse to cop-out and cheat. I and many others who most likely don't even bother to post on this site have gone up against "triple-shocktrained" bots countless times. Speaking for myself, I have never felt the urge to tank the game because of it, or for any other reason.

Tanking says a person is a complete prancer, who can't stick out a situation because the cards aren't in their favor. And being that this game is one the involves other people, it is so effing selfish to tank that it would take days to illustrate the myriad of ways that 'tankers', for whatever reason they attempt to delude themselves and others to the efficacy of the practice, are just low-life's who aren't worthy of trust.

In betting you play on a Kindle?

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backtothefront7 years ago

They're generally classified as sociopaths, as well. Not something I'd be clicking my heels to emulate.

You mirror what's wrong in the world Charlie. Other people do things that are morally wrong...I guess we all should???

You are exactly what you said I couldn't call you. Full Stop.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Alex, I'm truly wondering about this. Did that really happen, or did she just perceive it to have happened??

I say this because there are a lot of odd things that happen in these battles, and I know that I have been blocked in areas before...and I've probably blocked others. But I know for a FACT that it wasn't intentional towards me, and if I have done it to others it wasn't intentional from me either.

If pilots are avoiding getting shellacked, and there is another pilot behind them, that despite the rest if the groups attempt to flee, wants to get into the fray...that pilot is by virtual mass, being blocked.

I highly doubt that could be intentional. I can't even imagine doing something so effing stupid to another pilot, and I have an even harder time imagining anyone else doing it either. It's asinine. Further more, how would these pilots that allegedly did this even communicate that they were ALL going to do it???

Sorry, but I'm calling cow feces.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Who is jealous, and of what??
Total admiration of Rosie for her ability in the game as a 'person'.

Should we start writing articles showcasing what color pilots are, or which way they prefer to swing sexually??

No one should place an iota of importance on anything other than how they play. Period.

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backtothefront7 years ago


Me thinks that you possess a low reading comprehension level. And at this point, which is later in the day, you might have also begun hitting the sauce (drinking).

I say this because I have been agreeing witj your posts, even supporting them with additional commentary...and yet, you respond in a manner that has me thinking you are reading things in a flipped backwards-bizarro world.

If you re-read my comment in which you rexpond to, I clearly have no intention of using a medic bot. I think the very notion of medic bots is moronic.

Slow down, and realize most commenters in here are in harmony with your ideals and irriration with Pixonic.

And lastly, I get the frustration, but the chumps we dual with aren't unbeatable. Take a breath. They can be defeated and it feels good when you crush the prancers that cheat and or spend money to get where they are.

Back to the effing front we go...Fight and Kill.

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backtothefront7 years ago


I domt understand why people apparently don't see this after a couple times of getting burned.

But obviously Pix is banking on people with low IQ's.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Yup! Found a thread about it in one of the forums. Go to the comments in the Dying Artfully article he wrote. Thread link there.

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backtothefront7 years ago


Seems quite a few are drinking the Kool-Aid if they think that Pix's giving us more one thing doesnt invariably equal them taking something else away ( or worse).

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backtothefront7 years ago

Recent sign up here. My 9 year old son found this game first and I was so intrigued I loaded on my phone. (My son is A LOT further along than I am. Diamond league I believe. Me, just Silver...only been playing for a few weeks.) We are players, not payers, and that's the one thing that I really have against this game...the payers that have machine after machine, loaded to the gills with weapons that I with Level 7-8 heavies and level 5,6,7 weapons CANNOT compete with. And that I have earned through battle and ridiculous amounts of time (and in moments of impatience) my hard earned gold. And I know that my time further upgrading will still not result in balancing against these. It's a great platform, and I pride myself on being a team player. Covering allies with back up, letting them get the beacon if we're both close etc. But I will say that the pseudo gambling aspect and the obvious design of the game to compel you to spend actual money has me about two tenths of a second from deleting the game from both my sons and my own devices. (That anyone would spend actual dollars on this game is pretty sad. And it's obvious that there are those that spend HUNDREDS of dollars. That's beyond words).

This whole push by the developers for Clan BS is akin to 'jumping the shark'. Same goes for dashing/flying robots. (Usually I can take these out. Proves to me some PAYER just bought it and can't think tactically through a wet paper bag. Just has money and virtual mucsle. Not much respect for these sorts of folks) Keep the game real. It is on the brink of going full-stupid. I suppose that won't line their pockets though.

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backtothefront7 years ago

You know, that wouldn't be so terrible if it didn't stop you from doing other upgrades during that time. But alas, that's exactly what it does. And why? Because you can speed it up with an absurd amount of gold that you earned getting your virtual ass shot off, a little here, maybe none there. Earned slowly and painstakingly, that's for certain. And what if you don't have enough gold?? Why then you can you reach into your 'real pocket' and pay for 'virtual' gold.

Effing insane.

I had to explain to my son the nature and pitfalls of gambling as a result of this game. Dangles the good stuff like carrot, but you'll never get it. Better luck at a Trump casino. Is this a game for war robots, or Christmas jingled slot machine?

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backtothefront7 years ago

I actually am just saving up my gold to open my 4th slot. Even my son busts my balls about only having 3 robots in the hangar. I guess I'm not doing too bad with only 3 to fight with.
What do you guys mean by the term nerf? Does that mean get rid of?
I, to this point have only been playing solo. Always domination before the Christmas upgrade, now always random. Never tank battles. I actually had to look up what that meant, and then realized I generally am seeing guys do that in a high number of battles. Just blasting through ('destroying') all of their robots right from the start. I don't get that.

When my last robot gets taken out, I stay and hope my teammates get the win...watching sometimes to see victory, others to witness a valiant fight where a last teammate goes down fighting multiple red robots. Sometimes that's me. I hope someone on my team sticks around in those times to see me go down fighting. In that sense, this game has such a visceral aspect. Like these players I don't even know are my buddies and I'll unload my magazines and give my last robot to help them make it.

To me, the way in which one plays this game says everything about the person they are.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Totally agree with this post.

I find it preposterous to recommend such a cowardly move Pixonic.

I said it in another comment section, but I'll say it again here...

The way in which one plays this game says everything about the person they are and the way they go about life.

Are you gonna be a lying, sniveling coward, who dances on the fringes of being a sore loser/cheater? Or are you gonna be an honorable individual who thinks of others and gives his honest best?

I'll be the latter, each time, everytime.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Dude, I think you are barking up the wrong tree. I haven't read anyone in here say anything that is sexist. What I have read, is that quite a few people think that coming out and stating that you are of the opposite sex than one might think would be into this game, as if it is some sort of pre-qualifier...is sexist.

If a pilot is a 'hardworking gamer' as you've stated as your benchmark...then what do the parts they possess have to do with the cost road salt??? It has zip, zap, squatah to do with anything. And it shouldn't be made to.

We are 'people' piloting virtual robots on our phones for Godsakes. Faceless and all equal.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Dude, I must just be getting lucky because I am not seeing NEARLY the numbers of ass hat tankers that I did two months ago.

I would see multiple pilots tanking in each battle (often clan members, a reason why I will most likely never join one), to seeing maybe one Neanderthalic cave moron do it once every 10 games or so.

I'm not defending Pixonic. I think their motives are suspect at best. I just am not seeing tanking like before. (I'm in Gold I Android for reference, I'm interested to hear what others are seeing. Better or worse?)

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backtothefront7 years ago

Actually Mick, the clock says 10 minutes, but often, it doesn't even go that long. I can count, and it's astronomical, the amount of times the battle ends way too early, when there is plenty of fighting to do, plenty of robots left, and the battle could very well have flipped a number of times more.

I'm sure you've seen this before, as have many others, who have commented in it.

Anyway, I agree with your post, just want to add another point to support it.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Ok, I looked up Discord. Voice chat for gamers.
That shows there's a means for bullying if ass-hats are so inclined, but does that prove it actually happened?

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backtothefront7 years ago

As irritating as your example sounds, I'm talking about battles ending MINUTES before the clock has run out. At such times, there are plenty of robots left, plenty of fighting to do, and your opportunity to go back out and fight for the beacons etc is cut short.

It happens all the time. On both the winning and losing end, obviously.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Has definitely surprised me! :) I hate you little nuggets, lol!! :)

I wish I had that many storms. Only have one in storage and am about 1.5k away from my second. Seems that 1.5k will take forever to get.

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backtothefront7 years ago

This is pretty spot on. I also feel weapons like the Zeus are irritating as well. When a pilot is shooting at one robot with (say, molots) and the Zeus is targeting you, I have a problem with that.

Maybe I'm wrong, I don't have one, but it really appears that weapon will hit whoever is in range as long as you're holding the red button. If that's the case, it's lame. You should have to aim. Where's the skill if not?
If you're a camper or have Zeus or any weapon like that, I make it a point to take you out. My team doesn't need to deal with you. No skill with weapons that lock on and can't miss.

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backtothefront7 years ago

As irritating as your example sounds, I'm talking about battles ending MINUTES before the clock has run out. At such times, there are plenty of robots left, plenty of fighting to do, and your opportunity to go back out and fight for the beacons etc is cut short.

It happens all the time. On both the winning and losing end, obviously.

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backtothefront6 years ago

That's exactly why they put it there. It is the reason why you see teammates at the very beginning of a battle with the green light band showing they've accidentally hit it. That it can be activated when you are completely powered up is beyond suspect.

They could have moved it, and the ability drive buttons higher up. But of course they won't.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Agreed on the benefits being revoked. I'd rather see them removed from the game completely though. IP address blocked.

The tanking hasnt been as bad as it was, but since I typed that comment I am seeing a bit more again. Idiots.

And yes, puckey is doo doo.

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backtothefront7 years ago

I think that's the point Geist. There is a lot of good commentary on the ills of Pixonic in here. If the scoundrels jumble the comments, you really have to try hard to find the context of the conversations.

This is classic political example of 'divide, confuse, conquer' tactics being employed. It's no different than when you turn your news on each day.

Scoundrels. Period.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Agreed on the appearance of it being up to chance. But it's not. It is 100% rigged.

Next time you do the card shuffle, pick off your three things, make your pick...what you get will be invariably the worst, lowest valued card that can be chosen at that point.

This isn't coincidence. It is designed by Pixonic to fleece the gullible out of their gold.

But a player says, " but its just virtual gold"...

However a player is more likely to be compelled to spend real money if they've depleted whatever gold they've amassed, in order to get what they are just dying to get...what they 'think' they need.

This game is filled with subtle manipulations and 'slight of hand' trickery, of which are designed to exploit the stupid for the revenue they can be separated from.

Remember that and don't fall for their BS. Especially when they unveil something 'new'.

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backtothefront7 years ago

I responded this to Locustmaster, but meant to reply it to you, so sorry Locustmaster.

Anyway Customer, I don't care where it comes from...it's lame man! It's laughable really. My 9 year old son thinks it's lame...that says something I think.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Perfect post. Not worry at all. Gets right to the point.

And I completely agree. I think this idea of modules is beyond stupid. Top to bottom stupid.

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backtothefront7 years ago

I've got to comment on your comment here, as I find it to be insipidly ironic that you make issue with me commenting about the problems of this game...and what are you doing here?? Your being the pot, calling the kettle black.

Very intelligent.

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backtothefront7 years ago

The calling out of "Kill" and "Double Kill" etc, is so cheesy I don't know what to even say about it, other than it will be that, and not the tankers or all the other aggrevations that is going to cause me to delete the game.


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backtothefront7 years ago

So well said Hellroach.

Pixonic is clearly going off the rails.

I started this game about four months ago. It's an awesome platform. But these greedy baffoons just can't leave well enough alone.

This module idea is so entirely moronic that if it were a part of the game a few months ago, my son and I would not have even played. Up to this point, the headaches involved in the game were just that...irritations. The strength of the game withstood.

But these 'ideas' that they are presenting are just so insipid, so on par with the dumb games that you see in the commercials (if you have Android) that you'd never download in one million years. I've used the phrase ' jumping the shark' to describe their ideas, and I think it sums Pixonic very accurately. They're grasping at straws here. And that's because their greed driven business model MUST have quarterly gains. Gains at any cost. Gains that may just drive the wheels off the cart.

Honestly, I don't think it's ths developers that are responsible for this. I think its their greedy 'handlers' that are driving this bottomless stupidity. I think their hands are tied, and they are forced to come up with 'new ideas' or else. No one in their right mind would wreck a game like this, and then CONTINUE to add insult to injury, as is being done...unless they were so removed from the game, so out of touch, that they didn't care.

And that has the owners written all over it.

I'll bet this SHIT pains the developers. After all, they developed this awesome game.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Fair enough, but that wasn't why they were talking about implementing respawn time. They want to implement it to keep the honorless players from playing dirty. A method of which they endorsed themselves on this site, not 4 months ago.

Utter contradiction, and punishing players that actually use their robots to fight fair.

My opinion, it's just another stupid idea that is more detracting from the game. Not a fix.

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backtothefront6 years ago

You know they aren't going to do that. They're not gonna move the module button. How many times have you accidentally hit it? Even when you are already at full health, it uses more.

And guess what? You will run out, and then it's pay up time.

This is Pixo in a nutshell.

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backtothefront7 years ago

You better believe it's rigged. And the intended results of that rigging aren't hard to figure out. At least not for me, and from what I read, a number of others.

However, as said before, it's pretty obvious that Pix is 'banking' on those that can't see 'the forest for the trees', those with little self-discipline, those with more money than smarts, or so little smarts that they are separated easily from their little money.

Obviously, tankers fall under at least the little self-discipline descriptor. While they profess being so smart that they out smart the system, they can't see how they are cheating themselves in a general sense. Always taking the easy way out, and becoming weaker by the day. In life in general.

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backtothefront6 years ago

There is no sound with Thunders now.

You can't hear Hovers when they take off anymore.

The beacons sure are pretty, but you can't tell by looking at them if they are white or blue, unless you are almost on top of it.

I'm sure there are more "optimizations" (ehem, new issues) that I haven't noticed yet.

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backtothefront6 years ago

Alright fellow pilots...

Keep an eye on your earnings. I've noted two discrepancies in the past couple days where Pix is shortchanging. The first that I noticed was my highest damage to date in a battle where I did 1.3 million and change in damage. It was not and still has not been recorded in my stats.

Today, in my first battle of the day, I did 800k+ in damage and when I went to look at my tasks (one of which was to 2.5 million in damage) it showed a low 700k.

Clearly Pix's tabulating is skewed.

Pay attention. I'm sure this is happening on multiple levels, from when you directly hit a bot and don't get shit, to you being hit when in all fairness you shouldn't have. (Jumping away from aphids/vortexes well in advance, seeing them miss you, yet still taking full damage as one example of many).

I'm skeptical if this is some sort of error, or Pix doing their thing. A snake doesn't change its colors.

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backtothefront6 years ago

That makes zero sense. This 'is' damage that I did to opponents.

If I'm understanding you right, if you're thumb swipes that idiotic button, the damage you do while you've got the green hula hoop is not counting towards your actual damage being dealt? Or even if you're standing next to a weyland/mender?

If that's the case, then yes, Pix is still screwing (in this way).

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backtothefront6 years ago

Use punctuation. Your point is pretty much entirely worthless because you don't have the common intelligence to type your point with the long standimg method of using punctuation.

And yet, your opinion (and merit of intelligence or lack thereof) about this game is supposed to be taken seriously by any of us that have legitimate gripes about this game and how Pixonic runs it?? Surely you jest.

I do not play any other games. This is it. I enjoy the battle tactics. I do not enjoy Pixo's blatant manipulations, and I do not enjoy suffering the stupidity of imbeciles such as yourself.

Keep chasing that carrot. Maybe pix will give you free stuff. Wake up, you are a loser. You don't have to be, but you clearly choose to be.

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backtothefront6 years ago

You totally agree with him? You chump?

You then have the audacity and spinelessness without shame to ask Pixonic for a handout?

Do you live in your parents basement and supplement your time getting your ass kicked in this game with chronicly masturbating to internet porn??

What a friggin loser. Enjoy Pix's version of Ken and Barbie adding more monetary complexity to a WAR game. You and everyone like you are so pathetically stupid it's baffling. Keep chasing that carrot Pix keeps dangling in front of you.

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backtothefront6 years ago

STFU shill.

Said from a player that doesn't complain about matchmaking, or workshop, or even pay for bots/weapons.

You skip over what irritates those of us that just go out and battle...

Things like the purposeful placement of the health booster button, or the fucking inane target lock system (that only makes dealing with tough 'multiple robots in front of you' situations practically impossible). The introduction of lock-down weapons - so that clowns like yourself - can actually succeed in this game. (Seriously, what would half you goons do if you didn't have stealth or lock-down weapons to target slower bots? You'd suck even worse is what you'd do. The only time you guys get me is when I'm dealing with 3 of you at once. That's pretty pathetic, considering I run old, slow bots with no special protections. It's indicative of the lack of skill that is subsidized by over-powered bots and abilities in this game. )

Pix makes money off the likes of folks like you that, without doubt, suck up every idiotic gimmick they come up with so you can win some battles with ridiculous and improbable scenarios...and then actually think that you won said battles by virtue of your ability.

I think it would be pretty interesting to see what sort of implementations Pixonic actually does with their slight of hand developing.

What an unapologetic brown-noser such as yourself doesn't realize is that guys like me, that have been playing the same bots for a LONG time, are pretty clued in to changes of the effectiveness of said bots. A toot such as yourself, whom chases gimmick after gimmick wouldn't notice that because you're too busy chasing a fucking carrot dangled in front of you.

Again, STFU.

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backtothefront6 years ago

Oh and these 'stories' about pilots and whatnot are the definition of lame. This isn't a soap opera.

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backtothefront6 years ago

Are you guys frigging kidding? Blitz and Rayker will receive BUFFS? These stupid things are ridiculously hard to kill, point blank as it is.

Let me guess, you pieces of shit want to sell more of them? Blitz and Rayker pilots, get on when the getting is good, because you know what will be coming next. Nerf city. And the next bots and weapons will have you running like 'johns' to the red light district to ride Pixo's dong. Pathetic.

Orkans do pretty much nothing now. Barely cut through shields. At level fucking 12. Level 12 thunders struggle to take out bots with the back up of level 12 aphids.

Pixo, you are just complete shit.

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backtothefront6 years ago

I think when they set up these chests, they just sit back and laugh at the 'suckers' that buy into their fraud roulette. It will never change, they will never change.

All they did when they changed up the black market is change up what sort of crap is in what chest. The same thing happens...you invariably get the lowest value items, routinely, in whatever chest you crack open. It's rigged. Tvis is old news.

I stopped opening chests about a year ago. Even before I stopped, I knew it was rigged, but I had the false belief that I was actually getting ahead with whatever it was that I got from them.

You don't get ahead. You are better off just battling and bashing through, upping your ability/skill and watching the endless droves of idiots that chase Pixo's carrots dangled from a stick.

However, these days the droves of idiots are dwindling. You see the same people in battle repeatedly now. Pixo's BS has caught up to them. It's like they're addicted to swindling.

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backtothefront6 years ago

Ok, take that ONE part of my assessment of you out of the equation. You are still a suck up shill for Pixonic if you don't see, and furthermore, have the audacity to chastise others for criticizing them.

The gripes by 95% of the commenters in these threads are legitimate. A person's head must be fully inserted up their rear to make argument with that. ESPECIALLY one that claims he's a F2P pilot.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and assert that I think you're one of those players that actually thinks Pix is actually providing you with a random gambling chance in the Black Market, or that they didn't place the Health Booster button in a purposeful place with the intent of depleting your resources. You really think Pixonic is your friend.

You're a fool. They'd suck the last drop of blood out of you if you were tbe last person playing the game...against all planted auto bots.

I guess ignorance is bliss.

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backtothefront6 years ago

If operating in 'slight of hand' methodology is doing nothing wrong, among numerous other methods, then maybe you're right.

But you're not. You're obviously a prancer that spends money for virtual superiority, and most likely still sucks. Pix could steal directly from you and you'd still be a spineless Shill for them.

Just shut up.

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backtothefront6 years ago

You do understand that they DO NOT redpond to contacting them, right? And if they do it is generic and irrelevant to your point of contact...you are aware of that, right???

Because everyone knows that. It's old news.

I had around 400 dollars stolen from my bank acct...AFTER we spent about 15 dollars on my son's Amazon acct for this game. Right after we spent that 15, my son's Kindle was broken...smashed, totally unusable. And right after that, and carrying on for weeks, were charges...from Pixonic, for 5 dollars here, 10 dollars there. This wasn't scammers, this was Pixonic. And it was not us. There was no way we could have. Pixonic didn't respond to any contact with them even about this.

I am certain that Pixonic did this and I'm certain that they've done it to many others that haven't posted about it here.

This is how they roll. Wake up you pussy. But go on, keep giving them money so you can 'feel' like you are worth something, even if it is only virtual.

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backtothefront6 years ago

And your point in saying this, Tostada? The fact of the matter is, I did. You saying you didn't is about as valuable as a bag of sand. I guess because you didn't (and who the f#@k are you?), it having happened to me, and others as I have read on other forums, is somehow debunked??

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backtothefront6 years ago

So you're saying you like that long standing weapons are being/have been nerfed for the benefit of those that 'buy' new bots and weapons??

Are you a complete idiot or just an unapologetic and shameless pussy? I'm putting my bet on both.

You are blind. This is pure manipulation by Pixonic to entice the bitches (like you) to clamour for the latest crap they release. You are completely under their control. You don't care that its not balanced...because you'll just by whatever has an idioticly unfair advantage. And by unfair advantage that means either overpowered OR given leeway in this game in terms of not receiving damage that you damn well know you should be receiving...while dealing damage that if all things were equal, you wouldn't be dealing. This is what Pix does.

Example: I can jump out of the way of Aphids/Vortex, to the side and well in advance...and yet still take the full damage (while I am seeing the aphids/vortex go by me.) I shouldn't take a bit of damage. However, I can time my aphids with the landing of a Hover or one of those stupid dragon bots, watching my level 12 Aphids make complete contact with the bot...and yet do squat for damage. That happens consistently. That is Pixonic in unevening the playing field. They're giving certain bots and I'll go as far as to say certain players an unfair advantage. This happens in tons of situations outside of what I've detailed as example here. If you don't think Pix does this, you're willfully ignorant.

If you are cool with that, then fuck you. You're a sissy that doesnt care about winning legitimately. You just care about winning. You might as well cheat, you Prancer. Take a look in the mirror and YOU leave the game.

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backtothefront6 years ago

You were most certainly wrong in just about every post you have mare, with the sole exception of your assertion that Ares can be killed if you wait and do it correctly.

Pretty much everything else has been you sucking up to Pixonic.

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backtothefront7 years ago

For goodness sakes Pixonic.

The sound effects? The tones for battle starting and beacon capture? Is this really necessary? The more fluff you guys add every update, the more you trivialize the game.

I may be speaking for myself, but I really don't need any help seeing when beacons change, or when the plain as day countdown reaches battle commencement. What's next, a light tree for drag racing, and a checkered flag for the battle conclusion?

Guys please, reign in the stupid. Just a little.

Nice job on the new terms and conditions too. Really covering those rumps, huh? Making sure no one can say anything about the (fixed) gambling aspect of the key 'slot machine'...of which you added insipid 'noise' to as well.

Guys, this game has the ability to be so damned cool, if you just 'KISS' (Keep It Simple Stupid) as opposed to trying to stuff 50 pounds of horse manure into a 5 pound bag...

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backtothefront7 years ago

In regards to your pros, don't fool yourself. The camping and long range laser weapons are used because of the mindset of the individual using them. That's not going to change because of the availability of more weapons.

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backtothefront7 years ago

How's your throat man? Back of it a little sore? Did Pixo at least buy you a drink and pat you on the top if your head?

You haven't even seen the update and yet your servicing Pixonic for a job well done and calling everyone cry babies.

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backtothefront7 years ago

And another tbing has come to mind...

I now understand why they sat on their hands for a while when they've been telling us that the WSP were going to be converted. Its been for quite some time really.

I'm pretty sure the reason is that they wanted as many people as possible to use their WSP to get weapons/bots that since previous updates have been made to drain more silver resources.

You know, the old "use em before you lose em" hustle...which in this case is akin to manipulating stocks, or yelling 'fire' in a crowded movie theater.

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backtothefront7 years ago

This is spot on. Why they didn't do it the way you intelligently propose, is purely because they need to shuffle the deck entirely in order to implicate the 'changes' that they promise as being for our benefit...but we all know that's a fly infested crock of turd.

So in through the cellar door comes more silver cost, from more places, and in addition, the silver you used (to buy WSP) is stolen from you in a lopsided exchange.

Could they have applied all of the WSP that you amassed through silver directly to the components (of your choice)? Sure they could. But why would they when they can pull the wool over your eyes and the rug from under your feet?

And they say it's pretty good news....LMAO!

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backtothefront7 years ago

Ha! Scratching our heads man! I mean seriously, he calls everyone out, says great job Pixonic and then says, 'but I havent seen it yet'.


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backtothefront7 years ago

First dealing with a pulsar on the battle field...a clan member by the name of 'ooooops' rolling with the Dark Nights.

These were mounted on a Level 10 Spectre, and flanked with Level 12 Scourges. Not only did this opportunist coward have them on a top predator bot, but he also pulled the classic 'fade' and moments after he locked me down, let himself get taken out of the battle, never to respawn. Was the lowest ranked at the end with adound 50,000 damage.
Tanking, fading, cheating clans with maxed bots in maxed hangars???

This is what you had in mind Pixonic???

Unless your heads are up your asses, I don't know how you couldn't see it the moment you drew up these stupid weapons on paper.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Exactly. They should keep the keys and shove em up their rectums sideways.

I'd rather have the silver back that I used to farm my 74k WSP.

Friggin black market keys.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Honestly, I can't understand how gullible those of you are that think this change is going to work well for you. I'll bet you dollars to donuts that you're gonna get fleeced. Seriously, you either work for Pixonic and are a shill, or you just started playing and haven't figured out the invariable methods of slight of hand that they employ...or you've been playing for a while and sadly, just arent that sharp so you believe that "this time" Pixonic is going to throw you a bone.

If Pixonic gives you something, they most certainly are taking something else away. You just don't see it right away.

So the workshop points you've amassed will be docked at a rate of 1 to 5. That was amassed with SILVER that you earned. They didn't just give the workshop to you. You had to 'pay' for it. Even more so true if you paid for premium to amass yiur silver. Now your stock pile will shrink by 80%, and will become a commodity thats used in a rigged roulette. Anyway you slice it, you will get less out of the Black Market Keys than you will if you simply used the WSP, or your silver. Sure, you might get a few pretty cool things out of the BMK's but you're not coming out on top, you're getting robbed in the exchange. Don't be stupid, don't be fooled.

But you say, "I got this or that bot or weapon, and I always wanted it". Well, good for you. Now let's see how much more silver it's going to take to upgrade it. Whoops, guess Pixo didn't actually help you get ahead there, did they?

Or you say, "They're helping me because I can use lowly old silver to build my bad ass bot. What could be bad about that?"

Well, just look at the silver that you've amassed...where's it going, where's it gone? It's gone to more costly upgrades, it's gone to building your dream bot in exchange for the components needed, and those dream bots will cost more silver to upgrade, as well as more time.

What are you to do?? Spend more real money. Because your silver cache is going to be shrinking, not growing, with this "new deal" that we're being sold as benificial. It's benificial alright, just not to you.

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backtothefront7 years ago

What you call overextending, I call being thorough in making my point.

These weapons, and the reasons for using them are flawed. And while I have a Kumiho, I have never used it. My hangar is 4 Griffins and 1 Natasha. So I'm not concerned because I feel like my dash bot will be frozen. I'm concerned because it is just one more cluster of weapons that are going to be an abused method of replacing being able to actually play the game through skill with buying your way into success with Pixonic's version of 'everyone gets a medal' regardless of being worthy of one.

The only people that are going to like these weapons are the type that will use them to take advantage of slower bots, like the pilot that I illustrated in a previous post, or those that dont have skill and would rather use shortcuts and handouts to gain success, which is absolutely pathetic. Both are pathetic.

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backtothefront7 years ago

I,m sorry old pappy, but two things come to mind.

One, being that Vanilla Ice was somewhat of a walking joke.

Two, these lock down weapons strike me as being some of, if not the lamest weapons that Pixonic has come up with to date.

Can't play the game well, and getting your ass chewed up in battle after battle despite buying all the latest and greatest? Here's a few weapons for you so you don't have to develop the skill of anticipating movements, and leading with your fire when you're trying to hit a fast moving bot. Just lock 'em down. It'll be like in school when you and your chump buddies hold the one kid that stands up to you so you can punch him without him dodging and kicking your ass...making you look like the chump that you are.

These cop-out turd weapons will be used on bots that already have an upper hand on all other bots in some way or another. GUARANTEED. But there is no way you care about that. These are the next major upset weapons to come in after your other buffoon OP weapon, the Shocktrain.

Good move Pixonic. Every time I think you can't possibly do something more insipid, you go and prove me wrong.

Good God, comparing these weapons to the tool, Vanilla Ice. Fitting, and pathetic.

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backtothefront7 years ago

And on top of that, instead of getting shafted on our WSP coins for useless Black Market Keys at a gouge of a ratio of 1 to 5. I'd rather be giving back the silver that was used go accumulate those WSP coins. For me that would equal around 35 MILLION silver. All in, I've probably used around 50 million silver on the WSP, some of which I used for bots and weapons. I'm reluctant to as of late because anything since 4.0 that you buy is riddled with extra upgrade times and costs.

What Pixonic doesn't get, obviously, is that players such as myself would spend REAL money if they weren't invariably always pulling shady actions and slight of hand 'improvements'. There's always a hidden catch and purpose with them. They're like a manipulative drug addict that's always trying to con you out of something.

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backtothefront7 years ago

I'd say I like Griffins the most. They're what I have leveled up. They work pretty well for me. That and my Natasha. Guess I'm kinda old fashioned.

How about you?

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backtothefront7 years ago

I've got to say this as well, every bot in this game has some sort of ability. It's the pilots job to figure out how to best use that a ability.

This game is like a game of chess. You need to understand so many dynamics of the game to do well...the characteristics of each map, the abilities and shortcomings of your bot AND the chosen weapons, and also how to read the battle field and figure out those exact abilities and shortcomings of the red opponents.

All of those things are possible with whatever bot you have. You have to use your head to succeed in this game. That's what makes it fun. That's what makes it interesting and skill developing.

But on the other hand, you can just choose the cop-out coward way, and choose weapons that are the equivelant of paying someone to write your term paper, or an even more harsh but true comparison...paying someone else to sire your own child.

Honestly, every time I go to battle against guys that have maxed out hangars of Spectres and Haechis and Inquisitors etc, and they absolutely suck, I just lose so much respect for them as the person operating the device to play. Anyone that is going to use these weapons, let's call them Milli Vinilli weapons (as Milli Vinilli was on par with how LAME Vanilla Ice was, is going to be with almost 100% surety, a pretty pathetic individual. The only reason that you will be successful is because of the weapons you have, NOT the intelligence you possess. Go take a hard look in the mirror and try to hide from that fact.

And again, Vanilla Ice??? You could have picked a myriad of hip-hop artists from the eighties and nineties...Public Enemy, Eric B and Rakim, Guru for God sakes. The list goes on and on...

You pick Vanilla Ice.

Total facepalm. I'm shaking my head.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Thanks bud. I agree, you just have to wait the cloaking cowards out. Doesn't work every time, but quite often it does, and you can either rip them apart for the kill, or get them close enough that a teammate finishes the job.

I think about this often. None of my bots have special defence. They can jump. Thats it. Well, my Natty can't even do that. Yet, I'm able to hang with bots that can cloak, or have shields and or can dash and have more heavy/medium mounts than me most times.

It can't feel good when you have bots that have every possible upperhand on every other bot in the game, Spectre, Heachi, Inquisitor etc, and you get taken out by a Griffin with Punishers and Aphids, or even come close to getting taken out. Especially if you spent Real Money or cheated (tanked/faded) to get them. Kinda pathetic really.

All this said, and back to our point about lock down weapons...I will never use them. There is something so unspeakably pathetic and prancer about the mentality it takes to want to hold an opponent still so that 'then' you can hit them. It's just pathetic. Folks should find something else to do if they need that. But as I said these chump weapons will also be mounted on Spectres etc. and leveled up to MK12, by tankers that have 7000 wins, 1 million average damage, but somehow are in Diamond League. Don't forget the evil sounding, badass clan names and affiliations to go along with it.

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backtothefront7 years ago

None of it is worth it. But go ahead, give Pixonic a nice greasy reach around and suck up everything they tell you like thin gruel.

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backtothefront7 years ago

A message to General OffTheMark, we don't hate the game. We hate the BS that's involved with it.

Honestly if we hated it, we wouldnt comment on it at all. Just DELETE. And it was released yesterday. You are simply late to the party and maybe think the party must revolve around you?

Pay attention.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Revamping of cluttered inventory???

Sounds good on surface, but I will warn ALL who are reading this to make sure you KNOW what you have. You are going to be fleeced of winnings, without a doubt. How many of you know just what you have in your bot and weapons inventory.

A pilot who goes by the name of Heathen Cat was talking about not receiving bots he'd won in another forum. Pixonic did NOT do right by him. To think only he has had this issue would be highly dubious.

Watch your inventory.

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backtothefront7 years ago

I can't wait to blast your Strider off the map with half a load out from ANY of my bots. That bot is the least of any of my worries. Run double ECU's and cap beacons. I haven't failed in sending a single Strider pilot back up to space for another bot yet. And golly, if that isn't the silliest looking bot out of the bunch. Everytime I see one of those things 'prancing' around, I laugh to myself in disgust.


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backtothefront7 years ago

And how about fixing the aiming system too?

And I don't want to hear about using the lock...I do. But it is complete bullshit when you have to cycle through the lock in most situations just to lock onto the goddamned bot that's RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. I'm sick of aiming at the ceiling, or the ground. Pixonic you KNOW this an issue yet you do nothing about it. Or maybe it's for certain outspoken players.

Same goes for Hovers. You gave made it a real task ro lock onto those POS's, and I think it's for a reason. When they came out, they were getting dropped like sprayed flies. But you want to sell them, so you make it nearly impossible to get lock on them (neexing to cycle through lock on entire red team TWICE before you get to them, by then they've landed ), or you make it where even of your engaged with the Hover without lock, the target will suddenly go to someone else wjen you are a sliver from the kill. Or if you do hit them it does little damage quite often.

The riches and hang ups in this game are suspect to say the least, when you look at the famtastic detail in all other areas. And in that light, they aren't 'glitches' at all. But purposeful, I'll bet your asses on it.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Look, I'm not saying that I want a sniper bot myself, and just like you, the only reason I have and use a Molot Griff is when I've got nothing left, or I need to deal with some other asshat snipers. You know, the ones that you are denying that anyone is dreaming about building up. And I use my Molot Griff as a brawler in most battles. Effectively too, I will add.

I stand firmly in my assertion that snipers will never go away because of the availability of other weapons. It is 100% due to the mentality of the pilot. They aren't going to come in and fight, they're going to sit back and cherry pick while the rest of their team keeps anyone else from getting to them 7 out of 10 times. And its the 3 outof 10 times that they get taken out that they come back to get taken out in 2 tenths of a second. BECAUSE, they've got no skill most times.

And it may not be a Trebuchet or a Ghecko, it'll be some other long-range chicken shit weapon. This game has redundant weaponry. Makes no difference in my point.

If pilots aren't looking to build these bots as their dream bots, then why are they leveled up for practically one shot crippling or one shot kills, and why are they the FIRST bot these said pilots are deploying??? Because that's what the mentality of this sort of pilot deems as acceptable game play. They largely don't have to think. They just camp and lob. Rarely ducking for cover, until a crafty red gets back to them, or their team gets its ass handed to it, and they are stuck with nowhere to run.

I stand unwaivered in my assertion. Maybe you're one of these pilots too?

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backtothefront7 years ago

Mine hasn't crashed, but it has the sound cuts out terribly. I play with headphones, (headphones not necessarily important but enhance the sounds direction) and rely on sounds and where they're coming from to react etc. Not hearing battle sounds sucks.

I'll say it again Pixonic...if you weren't so Godamned shady, I'd probably spend real money on this game. But you are shady...beyond belief...and this game has too many issues.

Not to mention that my sons Amazon acct was hacked for about $250. And no he didn't make the purchases...his Kindle was completely smashed when these charges took place. Either loaders, or you PIXONIC, did it.

I hope this game goes down the tubes and you all lose your shirts.

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backtothefront7 years ago

This exactly. If they would just stop trying to over-complicate things for the same if making money, they'd make more money.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Alright Pixonic, it finally happened. You yanked my 74,000 WSP. All gone. But nowhere to be seen anywhere are the 14,800 Black Market Keys, as useless they may be, that I should have based upon your 1 for 5 key to WSP ass rape ratio.

Of note as well...Dude with the big head in the video said if we were maxed in the previous workshop, we'd be maxed in this new one as well. So why then, am I not maxed? I'm at 25 with 26 a good way off. What the fuck did I farm the previous workshop for if you were just going to take everything and not deliver what the fuck you said you were going to do?

Just give me the silver that I put into the previous workshop and shove WS 2 up your ass.

If I were anywhere near Cyprus, you'd have a problem.

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backtothefront7 years ago

The other apparent thing that you bottomless creeps (Pixonic) did is remove the indication of how many components we already had for each item, only leaving the progress bar...which we all know is a skewed measurement.

People, don't fall for this shit. Seriously.

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backtothefront7 years ago

As usual Dude, a very spot on comment.

As a side addendum to your comment, I SERIOUSLY consider the possibility of Pixonic nerfing the accounts of the people that call them out for their practices. I am most positivr they've done it to me, which is so bitch on their part it isn't even funny.

These guys have a good platform...and they are insistent on using their arrogance due to that to unique platform to abuse the player base at large and continually add insipid (tasteless) garbage that just flutters the game with um ending stupidity. Next will be bots that can teleport to easier matches...you know, to help the tankers and other shit heads when these cowardly gimmick releases dont help them do any better.

Agree with you on Manni 100%.

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backtothefront6 years ago

If you are referring to your bot just stopping dead even though you haven't changed your thumb position, or your bot continuing to walk even though you've stopped walking or even tried to reverse direction...then I am having the issues.

I've also had my weapons stop firing, thinking I've run out, only to look and see that I have half a clip left.

I've been suspecting something fishy, of the Pixonic variety.

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backtothefront7 years ago

It was a no win situation. To say that we all saw it coming for a long time shows that you weren't really looking at the situation and the limitations it entailed. Of course everything sounds like a gift for Pixonic, but it never is...

On one hand you could spend the WSP on weapons and bots. But what if you already had all of what you could get from there? Secondly, on the spending your WSP on things available to them train of thought...since 4.0 or so, Pixonic secretly riddled everything you bought or won with more upgrade cost and time. So you would have been buying headaches.

Next issue. The Black Market Keys. Have you seriously taken a look at the SHIT that you get out of those chests Nightfury, or are you another one of these guys that hasn't picked up on the fact that that the whole thing is rigged? You get 80% crap out of those chests. Some silver in infinitesimal amounts, components in the same infinitesimal amounts and maybe a weapon you don't want or need. And again, remember the first part...the upgrade costs and times that were backdoored even into that 'shit' as well.

There really have been no good options.

So, I'd say that a lot of us saw what I am saying to you now, coming. Why didnt you see it too??

But at least you're happy getting some shitty BMK's. I sure hope you didn't spend Real Money on premium to build up more silver, because that's what you spent (40,000 for every 85 WSP), and they are now taking it away at a rate of 1 for 5.

Please let us all know how well you do with the rigged chest roulette. I'm betting it ain't gonna be 'that' good. But you've got the wool over your eyes so you dont realize you are giving away much more than you're going to get in return.

This stuff is so easy to see. Don't be gullible.

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backtothefront7 years ago

As I re-read my comment, I realize it looks like I'm countering you. Definitely not. Just meaning to add to what you are saying.

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backtothefront7 years ago

Man, I dont mean any offense or to be harsh, but pull your head out of your ass. The lovkdown weapons are being used by fast robots on slow robots. Taking a dried up dog turd of an idea and dressing it up as a counter to dash bots, doesn't for dash bots that weapon make. It's just another clusterfuck idea from Pixo that doesn't give a crap about the real use of the weapon and it's fallout. Like the biggest coward weapon there is, the Shocktrain and it's prancing pony to mount it on, the Spectre. That bot is pure unadulterated no skill hack enablement. All you need is money. Period. Any asshole can sit behind a wall and wait for the cooldown on their cloak to coundown so they can jump up, cloaked, and pretty much wipe out any bot that isn't cloaked with one hit.

I'm calling you pilots out.
Nothing says bitch like you guys. No skill, just a moronic upperhand from Pixonic.

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backtothefront6 years ago

Yeah you know, because it would be pretty hard to punch a couple keys to throw a wrench in the gears of those that point out your two faced money grabbing tactics...

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backtothefront6 years ago

The other 50% are just trying to grow out that little beard on their bottom lip, so they can use it like a nut duster.

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backtothefront6 years ago

You just have to move man. Orkans aren't anything hard to deal with. Neither are Spectres. Wait for them to lose cloak while they occupy with someone else, and bash their heads in. Won't even require a full load out. Aside from the hands of very skilled pilots, they're generally just another bot.

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backtothefront6 years ago

This is a pretty spot on post. I have found myself playing about the same amount, but not falling for the stupid shit that they constantly bait us with. For instance I have around 1 million tokens. Can't be bothered to use them in that asshat rigged roulette they are used in. They just keep adding up now. I have 301 million silver. I have 22k gold. I have been upgrading my robots/weapons that I've been running since BEFORE the 4.0 update and so my costs and wait times are not the newer 'bend you over a barrel and forget the lube' rape that everything after 4.0 obviously is. I have tons of won robots and weapons that I will never use becaus of this.

And you know what? I routinely kick the living shit out of Heachis, Spectres, Inquisitors etc that have all the bells and whistles. Because I'm developing skill rather than the using bots that can be countered if you know what they're going to do. It's actually quite easy. And satisfying too. Nothing better than pummeling these pilots with Griffin's and watching them come back for revenge only to beat the shit out of them again. Hope they didn't spend too much or cheat too hard to get what they have because they're still pathetic.

Word to all who are stuck in a cycle in tbis game. Perfect your battle with what you have. Don't rush to get whatever bullshit gimmick they put out. Watch your resources climb faster than you know what to do with. Then you will be in the drivers seat if you want to acquire something. But you really wont have to. What you have is good already.

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backtothefront6 years ago

You arent paranoid. You are perceptive in picking up on the pattern. It is a perfected algorithim they employed. It happens at the cusp of every league. It is intended to compel you to pull out your credit card and buy what they tell you will help you do more damage.

Don't fall for it. Just play.

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backtothefront6 years ago

Antonio, I started playing around a year ago. Their tricks have been apparent to me since I started playing.

I'm actually quite shocked that more people haven't seen this earlier. Go back through my comments.

'Slight of hand' is the best way to describe what Pixonic does. They've depended on people being gullible/unintelligent to do what they do. It is getting more drastic now I'm figuring because they're trying to grab an increasing amount from a dwindling number of zombies that for the most part aren't hip to what they do.

Nothing they do is for the players. Nothing.

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backtothefront6 years ago

Please explain the big picture, shill.

How is it better for everyone? You've mocked a number of commenters in here, while the stance that you've stuck to about people whining seems extremely blind and misguided.

I think you've either a personal connection to Pixonic, or you are a prancer that has so much expendable money that you'll just buy whatever is the best meta at the time. Either way, it's a safe bet that you have more money then intelligence...most indicative by the style of your speech.

Silence to you and your juvenile commentary.

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backtothefront6 years ago

Strike a nerve? Describe you? Sour grapes if I was getting my clock cleaned, but that's not the case. Maybe more pathetic gimmicks will help you more. In the meantime, I'm doing just fine with basic bots and weapons. Better than you, I'd surmise.

Spend more money, that should help you.

Piss off, prancer.

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backtothefront6 years ago

In classic game-show voice....

"Update 4.4...Now with more prancers with lock down weapons and Pixonic gimmicks for battle superiority than you can shake a stick at!! Can't win a battle or even hit an opponent? Haven't figured out simple trajectory physics? We'll we here at Pixonic have the robot and weapon for you!!!! Just lock them down! And what's more, you can hide behind cover and then use stealth to jump out and lock-em down!!!! Sure, you're a pussy, but who cares??!! You sucked before (and still do) but now you can actually hang in the game!! Now your Spectre finally has a chance against Griffins and other old outdated robots!!

Seriously. You guys are pussies. Hope you didn't spend too much money. Notbing says pathetic like you pilots running this stupid gear.
Looking forward to continually killing your bots. You may get some hits and maybe a kill because your teammates are helping you but you are gonna get your was kicked in comparison anyway. Even if your team wins, it most likely had nothing to do with you. Hang your head in shame, and know you'll never get that girl either....

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backtothefront6 years ago

So now how's it that you write this...(you piece of used bathroom sanitary product), but you jump on my post, which calls out the ills of the new weaponry??

I know why it is. You suck at this game. You are getting your was kicked. Doesn't matter what you roll into battle with. You are consistently the lowest earner on your team and regardless of how much money you spend on Pixos promises, you never change your plight on the battle field.

I get it, that must be frustrating. But I'd surmise that life in general must be frustrating for an ass monkey like yourself, because the difficulty you are having in this game is due to (directly due to) a severe lack of intelligence. Anyone that has been playing this game for even a week and hasn't picked up on the painfully obviousness of things being rigged from top to bottom needs to get their heads checked. But yet here you are, stating it like you just cracked the code.

Welcome to party. You're late. And you still don't completely get it. The punch spiked with Exlax is over in the corner where you can go gang out with the other knobs.

And you have the nerve to call anyone else a skulking rat. Take a look in the mirror, census fodder.

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backtothefront6 years ago

Leng, Pixo doesn't care. They are undoubtedly creating weapons to compensate for their lack of genital endowment. I am positive of it. And only those pilots suffering from the same misfortune in genetics are excited about the constant new bot and weapon developments (which are tamtamount to walking around with a balled up tube sock stuffed in your pants)

These dumb bots and weapons really kill the game. If it weren't so easy to still kill them using basic battle tactics, I'd quit. The more these stupid shit gimmicks become the meta, the more I lose respect for fellow pilots.

Just lame.

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backtothefront6 years ago

It's not a fair match Kevin, that's the point. Thats what they're selling. Thats what they're enticing the gullible and those that have no honor/class with...those that will do anything for a win.

But it's not that hard to beat these guys. Go into battle EXPECTING these things and fight accordingly. That means take your time walking into range, using cover the entire time. Study red behaviors. Pounce when you see a moment, ie. a cocky stealth bot has jumped at a teammate within range of your weapons. Take the pos out. Period. Most of these guys you will come across have no skill. Just the ability to hide (stealth) and leveled up weapons. You could probably take these guys out with unleveled weapons if you play smart.

If a pilot just plays and foregos all the crutch weaponry and gimmicks, they will get good at fighting.

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backtothefront6 years ago

Looks like I struck a nerve with you too, prancer. Nothing says bitch ass like a pilot that chooses such weapons as the ones you're defending and then claims that the guy that takes these stupid things out with Griffins is a corner shooter.

Make no mistake, they made these weapons for the prancing, man-purse rocking pussies, like yourself. So you could inflate your ego when you actually get a kill...while you have still deluded yourself to the seriously weak way in which you've attained that kill. You had to use a weapon to hold a slow bot in place so you could actually hit it. You're pathetic bud. Period. No amount of your thug ass wigger talk is going to change that.

You are just a piece if shit that has chosen to take opportunities for the easy handout/cut corners in a game that requires skill and intelligence (or I should say require...Pix won't make money off the likes of gutter filth like you if they require it. It would be too hard). There's no doubt that you're a fucking nut riddled turd in life as well. Its linear. And its been proven psychologically. A piece of shit behind a screen is a piece of shit in real life too.

Oh, and I ain't old, and my wife is hot. My son is a sponsored snowboarder at 10 yrs old. Things are good because I earn then the old fashioned way. By developing skill. This game is like chess for me. I enjoy the challenge of dealing with a the new pussy garbage everyone just clamours to get. If I copped out and just went for the training wheels weaoons that you defend like a typical chimp, I'd have a hard time looking in the mirror. And I don't need them. I have more gold and silver saved (because I dont waste it, I just battle got the fun of it).

Good luck you ass monkey.

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backtothefront6 years ago

I got the update twice as well. This isn't the first time. Wondering why they do this.

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backtothefront6 years ago

No, you aren't the only one. Much like their lock-down weaponry, we should take turns holding that effing tool and kicking him repeatedly in his oversized head.

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backtothefront6 years ago

Totally with you. I refuse to use that trash weaponry. I don't bother doing anything with black market keys anymore, and when the month rolls around Pixonic does it for me...it is invariably thise trash weapon components that I am given by the thousands. Thanks but no thanks. What a joke.

Yes, they've fucked up the sound on our machine guns. I think they nerfed them too. This angers me more than anything else thus far in this game.

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backtothefront6 years ago

Yup, I noticed yesterday after the update, my level 11 Punishers were 'sounding' soft. Nothing else in the game sounded off though. Obviously these creeps nerfed a category of weapons that there is no point to nerfing. They aren't overpowered, and in order to do serious damage with them you've got to be a skilled pilot.

This shit really pisses me off. I had let Pixonic get away with stealing from my sons account. Not now. I'm going for their shit filled jugulars.

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backtothefront6 years ago

I can't agree with this perfectly worded post more.

You complete bags of shit at Pixonic totally effed up the sound in the battles now.

WHY???? What do you possibly have to gain by fucking up the beautiful sound and volume of Punishers, while making sure that the totally asshat calling out of "kill, double kill, triple kill, wrampage and godlike is even louder now??? You complete asshats.

I've dealt with tankers, I've dealt with your lies, your slight of hand gimmickery, your complete shame of design in weaponry and the pussy enabling that you insist on doing in order to try to retain the absolute lowest runged mentalitied morons to play your game in order to keep raking in your money...

But it's this... the fucking up of the sound in the game...that has pushed me over the edge.

Fuck you Pixonic. Fix the sound you pathetic creeps.

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backtothefront6 years ago

I'm thinking you're a shill. You're screen name is Ballista Spectre MK2, and you're talking about something that has yet to happen. Drumming up sales with the stupid for Pixonic?

I absolutely hate you Pixonic.

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backtothefront6 years ago

Good work Bagadbilla! This illustrates perfectly what this scumbag company does. You broke it down to a level that those that can't grasp the way Pixonic works their 'slight of hand' tactics can understand.

When are people going to figure out that if Pixonic has given you something, they've taken 2 or 3 things away.

They are liars. Period. End of discussion. They are unworthy of rehabilitation because at tgeir core, they are advantage taking manipulators.

Worthy of the gallows pole, all of them. And the same goes for their asshole-sucking shill youtubers like Manni. The amount of money that circle-jerking nut-gobbler makes for shoving nose and tongue up their poop shit as is disgusting.

See these people for what they are folks. Degradant liars.

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backtothefront6 years ago

Pixonic, for once, read the comments in here (and in every comment section, in every article you've put out) and WAKE UP.

You have loyal players that are quitting the game. You have loyal players that are BEYOND FED UP.

It seriously begs the question as to what sort of people you are at Pixonic, when you continually choose to go down this road of smoke and mirrors, as if no one sees what it is that you're doing and the true reasons as to why you do it. For a period of time you had a number of people fooled. That number has dwindled drastically. Yet, like a drug addicted manipulator you continue to pull the same lies, the same garbage...but no one believes you anymore.

We all know you are full of filth, full of lies, and every time you release something new, under the guise of it being for the better of the player base, we all know it is another tojan horse, another slight of hand move meant to rip us all off in another way.

Not trying to be stereotyping here, but your actions seriously make me wonder about the sort of people Russians in general are. You just don't stop acting like fucking dirtbags and it really doesn't say much good for you as an ethical people.

Stop trying to constantly fuck people out of money and you'll make it consistently. As it is, I highly doubt you are making what you are projecting to make, and you won't. Honestly, it might be too late for you. You've burned us all so many times, you've "cried wolf" so many times that very few even care anymore. Your hull is riddled with holes and you're taking on water faster than you'll reach shore.

You've done it to yourself.

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backtothefront6 years ago

What these assholes have also done is nerf the weapons you already have, secretly, so that the new bots seem that much better, thus provoking the stupid people in the player base to spend money on the new bots. THEN, after they see the revenue stream start to slow up on thoae bots, they will maybe buff some old weapons, but more than likely release some new, even more pathetic coward enabling weapon or bot.

This is precisely what they've done with the stupid lock down weapons. Shocktrain before that. They generally release overpowered weapons that allow their unskilled/deep pocketed pussy players to gain success. When others catch up, they release something equally pathetic for the chumps of the playerbase that can't fight.

The thing is the lockdown weapons haven't had the effect they had hoped. It hasn't been hard to pummel the low-life's that have chosen these weapons. So what have they done? They've nerfed pretty much everything, rolled out new overpowered bots for the chumps, and informed that an idea of which no one cares for (modules) is going to be jammed in our asses, no lube. Oh, and just for safe measure, screwed up the economy even more, for those that were making the best of it, despite it being a rip off anyway.

Pix is the equivelant of a manipulative lying drugged addicted piece of shit, and a drug dealer, all in one.

And as I touched on above, they release this trash as the revenue from the previous release begins to wane. They've got this crap up their sleaves, waiting. Hence why the rarely hold anything back, despite the player base saying we don't want whatever it is.

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backtothefront6 years ago

Thanks for your opinion man, and the respectful way you've expressed it...but I fully disagree with you.

I don't think you're seeing what is going on here. If you aren't able to see the 'slight-of-hand' trickery that Pixonic employs, then you are probably susceptible to all sorts of other manipulations as well.

I've been aware of it since I started playing. Most were blind to it. Now, pretty much everyone sees. And the chaos that you claim they are merely trying to fix was caused by none other than themselves. Think about this...time and time again, they've added/implemented designs, bots, weapons to 'upset' the gameplay. It wasn't needed. It causes the chaos. It's purpose is to generate revenue through greed. They'd make money just fine without doing this, as the base use/platform of this game is awesome. But they want more. So they implement OP trash to entice the scumbags that can't play but have money, or those that have very little honor and just want to win by fighting unfair battles. Everything is done with this in mind by them. When that slows, they do it again.

Enter in as well the whole premise of the chests/black market keys or the token/royale. It is completely rigged WITH THE ABSOLUTE INTENT OF DEPLETING whatever tokens or bmk's you've amassed...giving you as little as possible in return. The idea is to have you hoping that you'll get something good to help you on the battlefield, something that will help you despite your lack of skill, and your lack of spine when it comes to taking the time to get better at this game. They re preying on the stupid with that. And when you deplete those rigged resources and you still dont have shit, they're banking on you spending real money to buy some power. Alas, you've been led (manipulated) the entire time. If you can't see this, I don't think you can be helped.

Next enter the purposeful boggling of the economy where it was trojan horsed as a way for people to make whatever they wanted. Problem was, it was a rip off from the start where our silver used was basically stolen in a 1 to 5 ratio of of plasma coins to BMK's. That worthless rigged commodity. Then when folks started using their silver to make components, they weren't spending actually dollars on the gear in the amount that Pixo thought acceptable (even though Pixo tried to manipulate that as well by making the wait times and silver costs astronomical) Pixo then botched up the economy again to trojan horse more costs for less under the guise of doing us all a favor. Look up Bagadbilla's post. He lays it out perfectly.

If you think that Pixo is somehow not what I said they are, I'm sorry, you're either a shill or you're just not very intelligent.

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backtothefront6 years ago

Dude, you're way off. Way off. And the substance of your post paints you as a rather pathetic pilot... individual.

People are pissed not because new robots come out and make other robots useless (the premise of such claim is a farce anyway. ANY bot can take out any robot when used with the appropriate skill)...THEY ARE PISSED BECAUSE THE ROBOT OR WEAPONS THEY HAVE INVESTED TIME IN IS MADE INFERIOR BY PIXONICS SECRETIVE MEDDLING. Pixonic manipulates the bots and weapons (buffs this, nerfs that) It's that fucking simple Einstein.

The fact that you got your Lilly little ass kicked by Griffins while piloting a Gareth simply means that you just suck at piloting. Period. I don't pilot a Gareth (although I have probably about 5 of them), but I have come across quite a few of them that packed a real wallop. Because the players piloting them knew the fuck how to fight.

You obviously did not. And you claimed that Griffin's were somehow the reason that you were doing badly. What's funny about you is I can pinpoint the type of component bot player that you are by the substance of your post. You have just exposed yourself. You're clearly one of those guys that comes out with a Spectre, gets hammered, then maybe another one...same fate, then an Inquisitor, same fate. Then some other component bot (most likely another one with cloaking ability) same fate. Meanwhile, I'm still in my first bot in the line up, a Griffin with Punishers and Aphids.

It ain't the bot or the weapons. It's the piloting. Understanding what other bots do, and how the lousy pilots using them will behave. Case in point with the lock down weapons...it is almost garranteed that when the asshat pilot that's chosen them locks you down, their seconds in that bot are numbered. Why? Because once again, Pix offered a chicken shits weapon to replace developing skill, and all those that use those stupid weapons have are shitty, lazy battle habits. They get pummeled. The same goes for dealing with Spectre and Inquisitors. Very few pilots are actually skilled. Most make stupid decisions because they have cloaking ability and some leveled up weapons. All it takes is intelligence to observe and deal with them. The same will end up being the fate for the new Greek bots. Once they're vulnerability is figured out, you could probably take one out with a Cossack and proper piloting.

(As an aside, I think Spectres and Inquistors are some of, if not THE easiest bots to destroy (and I pilot Griffins mind you.) The only Griffin pilots you're giving a thumping to are the ones your teammates help you take out, or the ones that are just as lousy at fighting as you are and haven't decided to cyberly augment their genitals and buy what they 'think' will make them better pilots.

But, you go ahead and be one if the remaining stupid that Pixonic depends on in order to keep their revenue stream going. Keep buying the latest and greatest, and not batting an eye when Pix takes what you bought and makes it perform differently than when you initially bought it. Then, invariably, blame the newer bots and weapons for your lack of success, never realizing that you've been defrauded...and then go ahead and clamour to pay for whatever has been kicking your ass, or wait a little longer to pay for whatever it is that Pix releases to kick the ass of that.

And just never get what is going on right under your nose. Pix depends fully on the likes of you.

You're missing it.

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backtothefront6 years ago

Shit argument if you've got shit minded approach to battle. All you see is a difference in fire power. A faster bot can evade. And with proper aiming still hit the bot it is evading fire from. The slow bot can't easily be missed by the fire from the faster bot because it just doesn't have the quick mobility.

That you haven't deduced this, despite apparently playing this game for a significant amount of time is moderately concerning. No offense, but you are another commenter who has exposed themselves as the type that hasn't developed skill, they've masked their lack of skill with firepower and the ego developed from defeating other unskilled pilots and thinking those wins are indicative of being superior.

I'm sure this went right over your head. Basically, if you understand the movements and tactics that are possible by your opponent and you capitalize upon them with what YOUR BOT CAN DO, then you can defeat your opponent. But if you sit and fucking whine like a little bitch that your bot isn't a heavy or isn't this or that and it's not fair and suck your fucking thumb, then it the LIKES OF YOU that Pixonic buffs and nerfs weaponry/bots to pacify.

Use skill. Use your friggin head. Stop being a millennial turd and make it happen. It's people like you that buy into Pixos bull shit and perpetuate their catering to the lowest common denominator. Even though you undoubtedly think yourself to the contrary.

Next time your over fluffed bot gets taken out by a (in your mind) lesser bot, don't write it off to luck on their part. Wake up and realize you might have been (most likely were) out smarted. There are tbose of us in this game that view each battle as a game of chess and are always looking to improve...without buying power. I know I am.

Go ahead and buy or (scrape and grind) for the latest. I'll hand you your ass with my old hangar. I'll put money on it.

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backtothefront6 years ago

Seriously, don't bother with this junk. Let the stuff pile up, don't chase the carrot.

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backtothefront6 years ago

Ah, another quirk like 'boosters' that will be awarded to me and I will never use...letting the stupid things pile up into the hundreds.


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backtothefront6 years ago

Also the guys you describe that rely on stealth for everything are about as undeserving of respect as the troglodytes that sit WAYYY BACK and lob Noricums and Zenits, or run a goddamned Fury or Butch with Trebuchets.

Only way I can describe these guys is that they're chickens. Afraid to actually brawl.


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backtothefront6 years ago

If you're a young guy, this is a good time to look up the words you don't know and broaden your vocabulary. :) You seem smart, set yourself even further apart from those that talk and type like they've got marbles in their mouths and heads!

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backtothefront6 years ago

Ugh, I'm sorry Terminator. I was a bit harsh there and I apologize. I did a bit of over-generalizing about you and I shouldn't have. I'm sorry.

I do disagree on where you say that Pix does what they do for good reasons. They do what they do to influence/manipulate the player base. They have a test server to ascertain what the effect of new releases will be. Based on that nerfing and buffing should be minimal.

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backtothefront6 years ago

Sorry, too late...when you see my last response.

I play much like you in regards to playing with what I've got and I do it well. I look at many others that I consistently kick the shit out of in the same way you describe...wondering why they don't just develop skill instead of trying to win it or purchase it. But again, that is not withstanding to the horseshit that Pixo employs in order to get the naive and easily fooled to make more stupid decisions. And as I laid out in the response to you prior, the horseshit that Pixo employs to play the 'pied-piper' to the stupid, STILL EFFECTS US THAT DON'T FALL FOR THEIR CRAP NEGATIVELY, even though we don't involve ourselves in their traps. Are you saying that you like your simple hangar nerfed for Pixo's benefit?

If you say yes, go punch yourself in the face and stick your head in the toilet.

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backtothefront6 years ago

For goodness sakes man! That is not the point. The point is that the company Pixonic is without a doubt continually manipulating the player base to 'entice' or 'compell' them to spend money in order to stay competitive. Period.

Your premise of that if people save their resources instead of wasting them in a bad economy is not an untrue statement (it is how I play tgis game myself), however it is notwithstanding the main issue that Pixonic manipulates the bots and weapons we ALREADY have in order to change our outcomes, and I say again, 'compell' players to drop real coin to keep up.

It is basically 'hedging' the market if I am correct in using that term, and in trading...it is illegal.

Myself, I would use the tokens and keys a bit in the past. I got to the point where I found it to be a waste of time. I stopped spending them. I stopped wasting gold and silver on junk. My resources climbed and I continued to use an all Griffin and one Natasha hangar. I will cockily say that I can hang with and often crush reds that are using every more capable bot in the line-up. What I have noticed (and here's the point of this last paragraph) is that there has been a distinct drop in my damage since this last 'update'. I am not faring any worse in terms of getting my 'ass kicked' because I am playing with the same tactics and I liken myself to be a pretty skilled pilot...but I am not doing the damage average that I was consistently just before this last 'update'.

Why??? Because Pixo nerfed my Punishers, they nerfed my Tarans, they nerfed my Orkans, they nerfed my Molots. The weapons don't even sound the same anymore. They've done this in the hope that it drives people to spend MONEY. And that is what is fucked up about Pixonic. Pixonic doesn't just leave those that are happy with what they have alone, Pixo manipulates their experience as well, in order to 'hedge' the earning potential of whatever bullshit they are dropping next.

Honestly, the more I read your posts, the more I think you're just a useful idiot. Open your eyes. Did you seriously just start playing yesterday? Or are you a tool of Pixonic to add the 1% of positive comments about them in the chat rooms?

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backtothefront6 years ago

Good post.

And the same will happen of their new players. That might not know what has come before them, but they will eventually see what will be continually done as they spend time on the game.

The business model being used preys on stupidity and is not sustainable. One can only surmise that the intelligence used to develop this sort of game would know this, and the intent is to rake in as much as possible while the wheels are being driven off the bus. That, or the developers are the smart ones and they are being forced to implement this trash by greedy handlers...who are cutthroat...but not entirely intelligent.

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backtothefront6 years ago

And while I'm on a roll of commenting today, this one's directed at Pixonic...

What THE fuck have you asshats done to the targeting/lock-on system?? You've made it even more idiotic. The backhanded benefit of which (for yourselves) is beyond my ability to figure out, although I'm sure there is some creepazoid reason youve done this to manipulate the decisions of the moron players for your money making purposes. You've made it so that now you have to cycle madly through the lock on to get the bot you want, you've got to be pointing almost directly at the pilot you want to lock on (even though the bot your lock is stuck on is a mere 5 fucking degrees to the side of the one that you're trying to target...and the bot you want to target is CLOSER!!!!)

It used to not be like this. Sure, you assholes couldn't seem to fix the stupid detail of targeting that had us aiming at a bot above us or below us (Moon and Carrier map) while a bot 30 meters away destroyed us, but this just takes that stupidity in developing and puts it over the top.

The irony in this lack of fixing an issue such as tbis with the targeting, is that you've made it paramount to add Geiger counter sounds on power plant map, and vent/ fan sounds on Canyon map when you're c loo we to some buildings. While I'm in admiration of that attention to detail, you NEED to fix the fucking shit that affects how a player can fight effectively BEFORE you add unneeded fluff where it makes ZERO difference in the way a battle will play out.

Enough with the smoke and mirrors. Straighten out the important shit FIRST.

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backtothefront6 years ago

True, however you're only taking into consideration those specific battlefield situations with that argument. Sure, I've pummeled Gareths and Galahads when I've had my Orkan Griff, even my Molot Griff, but I've known better than to get in a pissing match with them if I'm running my Taran Griff, or even my Punisher Griff. I've got to evade, take my shots when I can and see which pilot is a better fighter. If I'm running my Thunder Tasha, it comes down to having a full load and hitting hard and fast.

My point here is that it depends on what you're running at the moment and that dictates who you deal with or how you deal with them. If I can get a side shot on any of these guys, Lancelot and Bulgasari included, I go for it with Tarans. Not every Griff (or any other bot for that matter) confronting a Gareth etc is equipped with splash weapons. And in that scenario, the Gareth etc can capitalize on the situation. They might not be able to sit there and trade blows, they need to keep moving and use cover/evade, but that is precisely what a Gareth is great for.

Yeah, us Griffs can jump. But that's about it. And if you time it wrong, or get caught with your pants around your robot ankles and have no jump drive, and/or are out of ammo, you most likely aren't getting away. We aren't fast bots. Back up to space we go. Hopefully back to the front.

Takes skill to use a Griff well in the current game, they are really no frills compared to everything out there and that's why I run a hangar of them. I've got to truly fight and I dont have billshit gimmickry to rely on, like a shield or cloaking ability. Just a straight up bot that can barely walk at a fat mans pace, and jump every 25 friggin seconds. Yet, it will still smash.

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backtothefront6 years ago

And you're wrong about the effectiveness of them on all the maps you speak of.

The thing with ALL the weapons I use on every bot I use, is that you have to aim them (properly) to have them be effective. (With the exception of Aphids and Hydras). They aren't like all of the other lock on type weapons that 'grip' your opponent. I will never use those sorts of weapons. I'd rather need to think with my aiming, and one of the things I like doing most is jumping sideways while still hitting my opponent who is now missing me, while they're moving too. Just need to 'lead' with your fire.

So what if they have reload times?? Plan ahead. Don't jump in a situation where you will find your pants around your ankles. Which is exactly what so many of you with all the bells and whistles robots/weapons do, and why I consistently kill a ton of bots per battle.

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backtothefront6 years ago

Punctuation will make it easier for others to understand what you are saying.

That said, these modules are ridiculous. And I'm not a one trick pony Spectre or anything of the sort. These are just another drug addiction for you guys that could not deal with the one trick ponies. Just like lock-down weapons. The majority of those using these mods and lock-downs are pathetic on the field.

Once you run out of the free ones, you're on the hook, and that's EXACTLY what Pix wants.

Pay up sucker. And also be dependent upon these to maintain your moderate battle field performance. If you guys would just go out and fight, (and more importantly) fight through getting your ass kicked by those you haven't figured out how to deal with yet without getting your ass kicked...you'd get a lot better at the game, and you wouldn't be chasing a constant changing carrot.

Or, you can take these temporary freebies and do what is the equivalent of performing knee push-ups.

Just saying.

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backtothefront6 years ago

Yes, I indeed have a Molot Griff with a Hydra, and no I have never tanked, nor will I. Molots aren't fast, but they chew down energy shields so I or my teammates can deal with the bot sans sheild. With a range of 800m its the bot I go to when some POS is sitting lobbing Zenits and Noricums or some turf Fury is picking teammates off with Trebuchets or similar weapon. Molots work, if you use them well. It seems they nerfed them again however.

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backtothefront6 years ago

Agreed x 100 about the premium bot guys being mostly a posse of princesses.

Only thing I don't agree with is the use of these stupid effing modules. I refuse to. Especially the repair ones. Every time I wail some princess to within a sliver of their health bar and I see it climbing back up, I think this is just another jackass using Pixonics princess enabling tool.

Seriously, what is it with you guys?? You succeed (sometimes) by pathetic artificial means. You'd be dead probably 3 times over if it weren't for your 'repair modules' covering for your lack of ability not to get your ass handed to you. I chalk that one up to the same level of you being a piece of shit as using lockdown weapons on slow bots. Honestly, most of you jokes just give us that 'can' fight an opportunity to rack up more damage points, since it takes longer to get the kill.

But how much can I blame the players?? It's Pixo that comes up with this garbage which has about as much spine involved in it as stuffing a tube sock in your pants and lifting your mall cruising truck 6 inches. If they make it, the pussies will use it.

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backtothefront6 years ago

Get the module button OFF of the screen.
I don't use the princess bullshit, never will. Now it's just sitting right where my thumb will sweep. I had read others complain about this, but since I never chose to enable these things it wasn't an issue for me. (Or maybe it was because I run Griffins.

I honestly don't give shit what the reason is. I want the fucking button OFF my screen. You are just lowly drug dealers. You put this crap there so it gets depended on by the weak willed. Then its pay up time, right?

Get it off the fucking screen Pixonic.

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