Piranha. Fast, deadly, vicious, but hardly any protection. A fight first, think later kind of bot.
Scythe. Cuts down robots like they’re made of butter, but be careful, or the opposite could come true.
I really like War Robots. MAKE ROGATKA A SILVER BOT.
Piranha. Fast, deadly, vicious, but hardly any protection. A fight first, think later kind of bot.
Scythe. Cuts down robots like they’re made of butter, but be careful, or the opposite could come true.
I like putting gold robots and weapons to silver, it really is necessary. Take an Aphid Gepard or Orkan Rog, they can be played but are countered by new bots, rendering them close to useless. However, the players who purchased them before SHOULD receive some compensation, be it half the original gold price, more or less, because let’s say you make Galahad silver. The people who spent hard-earned 5000 gold on it deserve some compensation.
P.S. I haven’t purchased a single Gold robot, being able to climb to Expert in silver and WP bots. I just think people should get compensation.
P.P.S. You guys way overvalue WP- when is a Hydra worth more USD than a Rogatka?! ;)
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