War Robots
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Charliehace 6 años

Any energy weapon that touches it should be reflected back to the energy weapon holder and have a chain of damage to the players nearby.

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Charliehace 6 años

Oh I hate it but I must join the tankers, right at this moment. I've had enough of either fighting against opponents who tank down, or fighting with teammates who tank out. Sometimes you don't even know when you are left alone already with 5 red beacons and 6 enemies chasing my ass off. Admittedly I got no skills fighting against component bots who happen to be as skillful as I am and may not even need any skills at all, not in a million years. Guess tanking is now my best solution and the most "decent" way imaginable to protest against tanking and unfair game play. Shocktrains, mk2 dash bots, spectre or whatever, here is my tank to your health!!! Hahaha!

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Charliehace 6 años

An abusive system always expects obedience and so called non-scumturd "honor". A brilliant system encourages protests and negotiation. Guess tanking is just one of the most effective ways to say "No" to the mistreatment lots of players went through in this game. Innovation is the key, not some humdrum self-inflating speech. And definitely not cowardly cencorship either!

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Charliehace 6 años

An Energy reflector works this way. As a heavy weapon, ER can only be mounted on a heavy slow robot such as natasha or leo. Any energy weapon including taran and esp. shocktrain that touches it, it immediately reflects the energy back to the taran or shocktrain user and has a chain of damage to players near the energy weapon user (it only works when it reflects back energy from a shocktrain of course). It can get damaged by the energy weapons but it will last a while. It is sure vulnerable to rockets, like any physical shield is. what do you say, guys? Pixonic?

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Charliehace 6 años

Just one note: Report system is awesome, but respawn cooldown?! Seriously?! That might not prove strategically wise for Beacon Rush. I can't bear seeing my enemy taking away my blue beacon and his smirking about my goddamn cooldown lol

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Charliehace 6 años

Like I said somewhere else, there must be a tit for tat mode of thinking for weapon and bot design. You can't let one type of weapon or robot or even one particular type of players with their one partiular type of tactics rule too long. Status quo ruins this game, innovation enlivens it. Now lets get back to my idea of "Energy reflector", ladies and gentlemen,....

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Charliehace 6 años

EXACTLY!!! Skills won't matter in such cases. It's plain shocktrain barbecue feast. Quadruple shocktrains specter?!?! If I had one, I 'd slaugher everyone like putting young lambs to a sharpened blade. I don't even need any help from teammates as long as they stay out of my way. All that combat experience you've accumulated for months (in my case weeks, lol) through real sweat and virtual blood just goes to oblivion. Not to mention a series of other ridiculous mk2 gold-sucking tactics. Anyways, I like this game but I don't like where it's headed now.

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Charliehace 6 años

Wow! Wow! Wow! It's thrilling enough to see so many players love and hate this game this much, lol. Seems to me there is always a outside-of-the-game battle between monetary issues and popular opinions. Pix must be always busy balancing the two. I don't see the big picture so I only offer a small piece of suggestion. How about we have a customerized battle mode where we players get to hand-pick our own opponents and get rewarded for our performances after the battle? Clan members are banned from fighting against clan members though, only people from outside the clan. No cups losing or gaining, just gold, silver and keys. Tankers? No, it won't be worth their time. lol

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Charliehace 6 años

On a laptop. Facebook gameroom. But whatever you say, you won't stop tanking. You can not actually call someone a "low life" simply because that person cheats in a robot game, can you? If you can, what would you call those who cheat real money outta our real pockets? JK. Tankers, they have improved this game greatly, admit it bro. A new way of thinking.

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Charliehace 6 años

Tank or not, moralist talk won't help a thing. Innovation is what I'm talking about(though it often gets ignored). When a problem shows up, understand how it works and deal with it. Don't blame it on someone who cheats or quits. All seemingly good powerful and successful people have cheated in real life, just turn on your TV and watch news a little. Find a solution, but never make it personal. That's the how I understand "man up".

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Charliehace 6 años

Oh yeah? How about those who are already mercilessly abused by shameless tripple shocktrain dash bot holding tankers? It only makes me and whole lot of other honorable players feel like tanking too. As I can see it, tanking isn't just some personal issue and you can slap it on some tanker's face. It has a lot to do with the game design and matching system. Tanking is killing the fun and honor of this game for sure, but it also reveals the systematic defects of this whole game. As I said before, people can tank in a million ways, there's simply no stopping them. You speech sounds very rude and immature.

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Charliehace 6 años

To counter shocktrains, a new heavy weapon should be invented, called "Energy reflector". Something that can be strapped on a heavy bot such as natasha and leo. What do you say, guys?

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Charliehace 6 años

To counter shocktrains, a new heavy weapon should be invented, called "Energy reflector". Something that can be strapped on a heavy bot such as natasha and leo. What do you say, guys?

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Charliehace 6 años

Besides, in terms of battle skills? I run four lvl 6 griffins with silver weapons all below lvl 7. And I made it to Diamond 3 in less than 3 weeks, starting from zero. And I don't have all day playing this game. I've straong faith in skills. That's why I won't let all tankers hang for the wrong of somebody else.

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Charliehace 6 años

Tank or not, moralist talk won't help a thing. Innovation is what I'm talking about(though it often gets ignored). When a problem shows up, understand how it works and deal with it. Don't blame it on someone who cheats or quits. All seemingly good powerful and successful people have cheated in real life, just turn on your TV and watch news a little. Find a solution, but never make it personal. That's the how I understand "man up".

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Charliehace 6 años

Am I alreday banned from posting in the most recent news update feedback? How come I can only post here, in the older news? Because I can't help being honest and decent about posting?

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Charliehace 6 años

To be frank, tripple shocktrain players are a pest to this game. They turn people into tankers or early leavers. I'm not personally against those shocktrain players, I'm just stating a simple fact. I have had too many friends online saying they tank just becos they have to or they just get butchered by the current unfair game setup. I suggest Pix enhance silver weapons and robots so the gap between non-payers and payers, new comers and old timers doesn't have to be annoyingly huge or be blamed on people who lack skills. It's not a problem of skills. When you fight with a bunch of strangers and instant teamwork doesn't happen instantly, unreasonable game setup seems to play a major role in discouraging fair play. There are at least two group of tankers, those who tank to get new bots in special events, and those who are forced to tank just to get a bit of fun out of this game. So Pix, please think about it, or the tanking issue won't be solved by the report system at all, cos there are a million ways to get de-ranked without getting caught. You can't report all players, can you?

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Charliehace 6 años

To counter shocktrains, a new heavy weapon should be invented, called "Energy reflector". Something that can be strapped on a heavy bot such as natasha and leo. What do you say, guys?

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Charliehace 6 años

Oh yeah? How about those who are already mercilessly abused by shameless tripple shocktrain dash bot holding tankers? It only makes me and whole lot of other honorable players feel like tanking too. As I can see it, tanking isn't just some personal issue and you can slap it on some tanker's face. It has a lot to do with the game design and matching system. Tanking is killing the fun and honor of this game for sure, but it also reveals the systematic defects of this whole game. As I said before, people can tank in a million ways, there's simply no stopping them. You speech sounds very rude and immature.

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Charliehace 6 años

When you team up with shocktrain users, there's nothing you can do to win, when you team up against them there's nothing you can do to lose. There's simply no antidote to this obnoxious disease, no matter how you nerf it. Unless Pix comes up with a new weapon that is specifically designed to counter shocktrain's negative impact on the game. Ecu is in fact a bad idea already. Something close to Ecu but far superior should arrive now!!!

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Charliehace 6 años

To counter shocktrains, a new heavy weapon should be invented, called "Energy reflector", something that can be strapped on a heavy slow machine such as natasha or leo. What you think, people?! If not, I must say shocktrains are worst invention of this game ever. Shame on the weapon designer!!!

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Charliehace 6 años

Well, all I'm saying is we don't turn this massive tanking phenomenon into a simplified personal issue of honor or skills. It's obviously a system defect in this game. There're many factors contributing to this development. But the most important one is the economic structure behind the whole game design. When everything is unreasonably tilted towards instant victory and satisfaction based on unbalanced weaponry and hangar decks, it's not hard to see why so many people tank. You may target your "skill talk" at any individual, such as me, but you are helpless about clarifying the issue. I changed my mind about tankers because, think about it, quite a chunk of the improvement achieved by Pix has been inspired by tankers. Some tankers are pure greed, but some are not. They made a point. Honestly I haven't tanked so far. But I have witnessed so many who tank in sight of a tripple shocktrain dash bot, even sometimes that bot is on the tanker's own team. Cos they know there wouldn't be any honor or any decent reward winning the game with a bunch of "shocktrain masters". But I will tank, if all I'm saying falls on deaf ears and esp. if those tripple shocktrain dash bot users tank too.

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Charliehace 6 años

There's no solution I'm afraid. The economics of this game definitely encourages tanking behavior. In fact, I've been winning many battles, with tankers around or not. I don't care or whine about quitting teammates making zero contribution any more. And with the mode of Free for All coming soon, tanking will sure become a personal choice that affects none. Most of the time I only worry about having shocktrain users as my enemies. They are the real threat to my silver bot performance. Bam and another bam, half my teammates are out of the game, and bam, I'm out too. lol

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Charliehace 6 años

This is enough talking, backtothefront. I have had enough of your horseshit too. If you can't hold you dirty tongue back like a decent dude then we're done talking, backtothefront.

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Charliehace 6 años

The module idea is awesome, right? It's making this game more complicated and tactic-oriented than ever. Players will have to relearn lots of stuff before they get bored with everything. I'm excited, but not worried at all, lol.

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Charliehace 6 años

Oh, C'mon! I'm all for jumping Furies!!! How about just one jump per battle? People sure love to see them fall like fatty ballet dancers!!! LOL

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Charliehace 6 años

Good points there! But to be fair with tempests, their only job is to provide suppressing fire onto the enemies and keep them in hideouts and stall them from taking beacons. Yeah, tempests aren't really good damage dealers though they can fire at an intimidating distance. Ancile lancelots are rubbish in many ways, not just in high leagues. They only bully starters through tanking nowadays. Speed and fast massive DPS are the key in every battlefield in the current situation. It's not unfair to say though, Dash and stealth modes have monopolized the greater fun for a relatively few at the top. Non-payers still suffer from bad matching system. Teamplay? Such a long way to go....

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Charliehace 6 años

Hey, I don't care about those modules at all. When do you ever fix the shocktrain endemic huh? Go check your system data and tell us the truth about it, ok??? Your commercial style is keeping a few happier and a lot more to tank. Do you not see??? Plz, come back to your senses.

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Charliehace 6 años

Let's not talk about the shooting range yet, buy seriously, the reload time for shocktrains must be much longer, at 15 senconds or more. There was one time I encountered 5 tripple shocktrain bulgasaris, one quad shocktrain spectre, and the game ended in less than 2 minutes for me. Some of my teammates left in mid-game. It wasn't deliberate tanking. It was total hopelessness.

Fun-killing cases like this happen to me so often I have even started to think this whole game was originally built for just one purpose, to reap fun and sow disgust through shocktrain worshipping. You either give us an antidote to this poisonous weapon or nerf it much further already!

How can one ever strike reason into someone else's mind?!

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Charliehace 6 años

Modules or not, honestly, it won't make a tiny bit of difference to this game. It won't add fun unless the game designer would at least spend 1 minute to look at the data and realize this game is freakishly unbalanced and ridiculously tilted towards triple or even quadrule shocktrain holders.

There'd simply no way, whether ecu, lancelots, galahad, teamwork or whatsoever, to even slightly counterattack this babish shocktrain shock- and-hide strategy. This idea of modules sounds delicious to me at first sight, but logically, it will only worse the situation.

I used to play a lot this game and kinda enjoyed a great deal at low leagues. Now? Our clan leaders have to push us to play and I find this game getting increasingly turned into a trudge to the top of a level-headed pyramid, only to get butchered by those shocktrain holding priests who are ordained to give every poor soul a death-dealing shock therapy.

I'm not whining. I'm saying, shocktrains are killing the diversity of this game and defintely depriving lots of people of the old fun they used to have in pre-shocktrain times. Check the data and tell us the truth, please.

No offense to shocktrain users. I have shocktrains too. But honestly, it's a brainless weapon and an ecological disaster to the game economy in the long run. Please consider.

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Charliehace 6 años

Collect shocktrain, the most brainless weapon in this game? Shame on you! Shocktrains are killing the diversity of this game, I repeat, even with workshop 2.0 coming. If every one wants shocktrains and gets them, war robots will sure become war idiots. Sorry for my language, but hey, shocktrain designer, you suck on this one.

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Charliehace 6 años

I never tank, but I witness tanking more often than before. I totally understand people's desperate need for a gasp of air because of the "battle suffocation" created by shocktrain popularity. Anyways, thanks for the advice, you've sure made lots of good points.

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Charliehace 6 años

Jesus, what a mess Pix made on the new map, Rome, not enough cover, far not enough. And the matching system is even messier! How come I always get matched up angainst a group of maxed out MK2 quadruple shocktrain spectres? Literally always! And don't bullshit me with tales of better skills or smarter tactics. They all bullshit!!!

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Charliehace 6 años

Guys, I say let's tank all down to the bottom of this thing. Send our message loud and clear to Pix to think about it. Don't quit, simply intimidate the newly joined by the mess and chaos here. All that skill talk, tactic talk, weaponry reset talk, moral talk and game's particular economy-structure talk must stop bullshitting people here. Tankers are the resistence, tankers must make a point to all, not only to Pix, but also to all players who suffer from compliance and self-delusions. Corporate interests are built upon stupid lambs who think honest work and full compliance will make a difference. It won't. It has never ever. So don't waste your brains on an empty shell of "honor", this medieval bullshit that killed off a third of the population on Earth in real human history.

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Charliehace 6 años

Guys, I say let's tank all down to the bottom of this thing. Send our message loud and clear to Pix to think about it. Don't quit, simply make the newly joined to be totally intimidated by the mess and chaos here. All that skill talk, tactic talk, weaponry reset talk, moral talk and game's particular economy-structure talk must stop bullshitting people here. Tankers are the resistence, tankers must make a point to all, not only to Pix, but also to all players who suffer from compliance and self-delusions. Corporate interests are built upon stupid lambs who think honest work and full compliance will make a difference. It won't. It has never ever. So don't waste your brains on an empty shell of "honor", this medieval bullshit that killed off a third of the population on Earth in real human history.

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Charliehace 6 años

War robots is a great game indeed. I'm saying this without sucking dicks though, lol. BUT, it has deteriorated to such a state that the gap between payers and non-payers is unbearably huge and skills and teamwork won't actually matter in a substantial way.

Why allow silver bots and weapons to rot and only new bots and new weapons to rule? I say, let the old bots and weapons be buffed further if Pix wishes to keep rolling out new stuff without infuriating the major player base, the small payers and non-payers. I think Pix did a good job in boosting the health of Natasha and Doc last year. A very good example to follow further.

They should definitely keep doing it a bit more in the war robots's next updates. At first reading, the module idea sounds great, but it still benefits the few too much while leaving lots of war robots fans in the cold. I wouldn't mind paying a bit for something new but it would be such a shame the old stuff be rendered obsolete.

To repeat, shocktrains are killing the balance of the game. Please, Pix, do something about it. You either give the older bots much much higher healths so they won't look like crap in the battlefield, or you nerf the hell outta shocktrains. Profit needs perspective as well.

Anyways, I may not see the whole picture, but from my point of view and a great number of others', Individual players like me are always at the mercy of dumb tripple or quadruple shockrain holders who win every battle or stay at the top results without manifesting or mastering any real skills but hide and seek.

As for skirmish, guess we can leave it be. That's the only mode where only skills matter and bullshit stays bullshit. ;)

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Charliehace 6 años

Anyways, three big hails to Skywoman and her family!

But folks, think about it, this is just another corporate narrative that attmepts to lull us into compliance and accepted unfair play.

Why dosen't our dear Pix hear out our cases and at least handle some of those problems head-on we the majority of players face all the time, such as unbalanced weapon capacity (diversity killing shocktrain in particular), weird matching system (always enemies being 4-5 quad shocktrain specters) and silver bots surpression (always shrimps to be fed to the gold-hungry whales)?

Indeed, War Robots is such fun, but it can be better, fairer, can it not?

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Charliehace 6 años

If I have three or even four MK2 shocktrains, I wouldn't say a single word against them. If I have none, I may say a lot, but I do have one and going to have two, and I still complain, shocktrains are way too powerful that they make other weapons look ridiculously ridiculous. Anyone with average game skills will easily win or reach the top of a battle with tripple shocktrains, except that player is too dumb to improve. Shocktrains are designed for dummies, not for players with guts and skills. I don't wanna sound rude but the stupidity here is rather stifling!

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Charliehace 6 años

I kinda like this workshop 2.0.

The latest economy changes put aside, this new idea of building my dream robots and weapons in my own workshop literally sends a big thrill down my spine,lol.

Actually I really love this idea, and I sure will love this idea more when everything about it pans out the way it has promised in the next update.

Can't wait to have my workshop painted anew, lol.

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Charliehace 6 años

Personally, I think Pixonic is achieving a delicate (though not perfect) balance between corporate profit and customer satisfaction. Workshop 2.0 is such a brilliant move! Again, the idea of damage resistance would surely place some old silver bots back on the battle scene and pull the game further in the direction of a fairer and more balanced player experience.

The economy changes hurt, but I really hope the damage resistance would make up for it in a way. The old silver bots should defintely become much more resistant and be able to upgrade much faster than the component bots, so their lack of ability or speed can be compensated.

I used to get really really frustrated over shocktrains and "whale tankers" and I thought tanking down was the only way to get even with this "stupid game". Now that love-hate relationship has really come to a stop. I'm so looking forward to the upcoming changes and can't wait to be pleastantly surprised, AGAIN!

Way to go, Pixonic!

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