War Robots


Raiderrobb 6年前

I've been hammering Pixsonic on giving each bot a weight then limit how much you can put out in battle so hangers aren't overloaded with all lancelot /fury whatever..... But....
It's all about greed..... They want everyone to have to BUY in....which is ironic cuz they didn't have problem with making thousands of 5 Gepard hangers opposite overnite when they ended seal clubbing.... And turned every Play to win player into a seal instead... And all they do is throw band-aid after band aid..... Cuz they won't take equipment into account in Matchmaking because they want to sell sell sell and they won't buy buy buy..... Only way a tanker should be able to tank is by SELLING OFF HIS EQUIPMENT SO NATCH MAKING CAN'T USE IT TO DETERMINE STRENGTH OF PLAYER.THOUGH ALL BOTS... ALL EQUIPMENT OWNED
NOPE.. Just league points... AND WHAT THEY ARE PAYING WITH.....

Raiderrobb 6年前

Yah well what if the whole squad of healers are out there.... It's need to have weapons slots and caliper reduced....... Shocktrain needs to go.... They are ere unrealistic... Same as repair bots.... Armor doesn't just grow back........

Raiderrobb 6年前

I like my games based on REAITY..... In what universe can armor be magically repaired by push of a button by another machine that happens to be near-by??.... STOP... PLEASE.... it's bad enough that some weapon just strikes closest target... And damage it... Then the energy zaps another and another and another... Who are near by.... But doesn't harm friendly units.... To hell will stupid shocktrain and this stupid 1st aid bot

Raiderrobb 6年前

Team death match mode will be 4+1st aid bots with some. Ancile shields on the 2 other bots... You would be ae to bust that formula with them equipped with 2 heavy weapons or 2med n a light....... I squad of ramdom players vs a clan with extra hangers to exploit the maps........ It's a bad ideal


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