War Robots


ID Xkrogt

I'm the one with the double zenit, necorium, and motlot weakening enemies from afar so you get easy kills when you engage the enemy. Your welcome, it would be greatly appreciated if you kill the raging thunder users and light robots before they come kill me.

Creepergomoo6 年前

I feel that the matchmaking is the weakest part of the game at the moment. I am currently master 3 yet I still am constantly getting teammates that have crossacks and destriders that don't understand that beacons are the most reliable way to win a game. Then the other team is filled with dash bots, db's, and shocktrains that somehow can 2- shot my leo, which is one of the tankiest bots in the game. Plz give me players at my level so that I am not the only beacon runner on my team.

Creepergomoo6 年前

There is a difference between a meta and something that's just op- and that is an obvious counter. We don't need a shocktrain or dash robot nerf as much as we need a counter for them. I say that an ability-canceling robot needs to be added in, and maybe a weapon that gets more powerful if someone hits you with energy damage.

Creepergomoo6 年前

Also, another idea for a heal bot would be a minibot spawning robot that can put small robots that heal an ally to follow them until they are destroyed. Probably should be a limit to the amount of these that can be spawned, but it could mean that you could put long range weapons on this bot and the minibots would work as a long-range heal.

Creepergomoo6 年前

Someone needs to make clearer the importance of beacons. Every time I play, even though I'm master 1 league, I am the only one capturing beacons. Meanwhile, my teammates get themselves killed and I end up by myself against 6 other people. That's when all my beacon work goes to waste- just 10 seconds away from winning, the other team captures all the beacons and wins. Please stress the importance of beacons more than a quick mention of it in the tutorial.

Creepergomoo6 年前

Also, there needs to be a risk involved from using a shocktrain. A cool way to make a risk is if the first bot the shocktrain hits has a physical shield, the shot could ricochet back to the user of the shocktrain and they would take 25% of the damage. Maybe this could only happen if the charge was above level 3 to make use of not charging first. Either way, shocktrains would become easier to counter.

Creepergomoo6 年前

But what about the thunder magnum leo- arguably the best build for long fights at close range? The health of the leo can take even 2 full DBs, the weapons are great for drawn- out engagements, and the variety of weapon types makes it extremely hard to counter. Even just level 5 weapons have an optimal dps of 14000, and this can last for 9 seconds!!!!

Creepergomoo6 年前

Anarchodom, we won't have 5 modes in one que- we will most likely have a 3 and 3 modes que, probably beacon modes in one and the deathmaches in the other. I would also like to see more robots and weapons that cost silver, as it seems like there are more items in the game that use components and gold than the primary currency.

Creepergomoo6 年前

I do like this, I just hope it doesn't make the db and dash bots invincible- if the healing is too good, than burst damage bots can now get back to max health after a battle as they reload. The best way to balance it, in my opinion, is to add a heal cap- maybe only 50% of the hot can be healed, or only 25% from the lowest health the bot being healed got to. Maybe also no healing shields on allies or broken weapons. Other than that, it seems like a great idea and I would love to see it.

Creepergomoo6 年前

May I suggest an ability to add?
I hate it when my griffin is in the middle of battle and I run out of punisher ammo. A cool addition could be a drone that follows you and can patrol up to 100 meters away from you. It would have a separate light weapon slot that would only take up to level 3 weapons. It would also have a separate health bar (with maybe like 15000 health), and be able to stack a limited amount. Light robots could stack 4, medium 2, heavy 2 with longer cooldowns. This could be good against people who try to sneak up on you as an early warning, or just better damage output and crowd control. By having low health and damage, it would not be very op by itself, but stacked could pose a serious threat while being great as a way to get people to use light robots with these and adding extra strategy.

Creepergomoo6 年前

Frankly, my main playstyle is the perfect counter to shocktrain, you can use it if you want: at the start of the battle, I get my double zenit, necorium, and motlot (for a bit of close range protection while helping my range), put it on my nahasta, and weaken any robots in my sight before my teammates engage. This makes that 1/20 of the opponents health that you deal worth it as the shocktrain will come with very low health and maybe even broken weapons. But i do agree that a weapon with crowd control in mind should do less damage. either they should decrease velocity for harder hits or reduce base damage and compensate by increasing chain damage accordingly.

Creepergomoo6 年前

I think that next update should bring buffs to the molots. Punishers are almost always a better option currently. I would say that the spread should be decreased. This will strengthen its biggest advantage, the range. This would make an almost semi-sniper that will be great on bots with lots of light and medium slots. Also I feel that the game needs some way to heal- probably a very small and limited heal (maybe only can heal a robot to a third of total health to prevent even more op db's), and can be an ability or a weapon.

Creepergomoo6 年前

What they should do is add something that is a counter for shocktrain dodgers, maybe an ability that stops people from using an ability for a short time if locked on (not cancel though). Would be good to slow down the dodgers long enough to kill them, and will force them into open combat. But this would only be for a short time to not make it too op.

Creepergomoo6 年前

Where's the leo on this list, the most durable bot in the game, one one that can shake off a full death button or shocktrain and keep going? And the gareth needs a storm and gust to go close range, because scourge sucks at long range and arbalest... Well...

Creepergomoo6 年前

Very low amount of cover... Will snipers reign on this map? I also want to know if artillery will be completely overpowered if stationed in the center beacon- especially if brawlers are protecting it

Creepergomoo6 年前

I have an idea for another healer, it would work best at long range due to having low health and speed. It would have 2 H 1 L slots, and the ability would spawn 2 small healing minibots that look for damaged teammates and heal them. The minibots would be on a timer and will disappear after about a minute. This not will have the lowest heals in the game, but will have the advantage of being able to snipe effectively while still healing its teammates. Good builds would be 2 trebs+noricum, 2 flux+gekko, or 2 dragoon+molot.

Creepergomoo6 年前

You mentioned an emp module... Why make it just work on stealth? Why not make it shut down active abilities and keep them from using them (even if they are not active)? This will help counter more than just stalker and sceptere. I'm not saying it should cancel a jump, just keep bots from using it.

Creepergomoo6 年前

I personally am ok with most of these changes, only 2 things I'm worried about is the mender strength (it is a tank with its ability), and the hellburner should have gotten a different buff (the whole idea of it is a suicide bot, if it can't get close enough to enemies buff the movement speed! In my experience, if it gets close, your going to take massive damage no matter what, at least the 50 meters made it possible to dodge!)

Creepergomoo6 年前

The best machine gun build should have tons of hp to be able to survive until the guns have time to do their job- frankly, I am surprised the leo is not on this list for that exact reason, having the biggest base health pool in the game along with lots of firepower. A leo deployed at the right time can instantly change the tide of the battle, being able to push forward with very few bots being much of a threat. In some cases, a leo can even out-brawl an ancilot at equal level!

Creepergomoo6 年前

Frankly, I'm glad about this.
Everyone is saying this is completely unfair, but what you don't realize is that the people who ONLY have silver can actually get stuff! Sure, there is some stuff I don't like (1000 gold for magnum!?!? Stalker is half that!), but most of it is to keep the game balance. Wp really didn't have too much of a use before, as you could only get, like, 5% of the bots and weapons with it. And for those of you complaining about the conversion rate... 5000 wp=1000 key chest! And it isn't too hard to get that if you've been saving up- even the time slot before the update should be enough. Yes, there are other ways to rebalance the economy, but this is the one they did, and it isn't the worst thing they could have done either. One last thing- they have to not split the player base, and they are on a knives edge between shocktrain sceptere users and people who, kind of like me, their only component thing is the gust! And those mad about the microtransactions... all free games have them. Get over it.


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