War Robots


NimbotX5 年前

Most robots and weapons will take less time and less silver to upgrade...thats nice.
But Lancelot and fury +100% time and +270% cost? Why do you make the leveling of these bots so unattractive? What is your aim? To make new players / or free to play gamer loose the interest to these bots and make these user not competitive enough anymore?
idk if you recognise that WR needs a lot of free to play gamer to make sure that the matching won't take several minutes. There are enough player who pay. You also got me to pay constantly every month for the new premium with the speed up for leveling up ...its ok because I appreciate a good game and I want to support it by paying money. Its clear that it is absolutely necessary for a company to have good economy ballance. But the matchmaking is mostly unfair:
Problem #1 are the league diver which you call "tanker"....they already have everything they need or they buy it with money. It's not enough to donate the players in the uper leagues with more silver, tokens, and parts because the "tanker" don't care about it....the devs should work on a different league/match making system.
Examples: player who reached a higher league can't go down more then one league anymore....or certain levels of bots and weapons can't be used in certain lower leagues...or players get matched by the amount of the victories they have/ or by the level of their bots and weapons.....or....or....or. come on its not that difficult to find better solutions for that problem. WR is loosing a lot of free to play gamer because of this probleme....the less gamer are playing WR the higher the matching time and the higher the matching time the more player will loose the interest in playing WR....its a spiral that that goes downwards.
I care about it because I like this game more then every other game and I don't want to miss it.


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