War Robots


Hypersquid616 年前


Where we have all of the spider bots, fujin, raijgn, rayker and the invader.

It could also be good if we have some of the new guns in here as well! Like the glory, shredder, Halo, and the others I can't remember.

It would be a great way to test out the new stuff AND have us try them too, it's a win-win!

Hypersquid616 年前

I understand that there is pretty much a war going on in the comments, and I agree with both sides

1: I understand about making money, they probably spent a bunch of money on this game, I wouldn't even know how expensive this game could be, with all of the graphics and all and spend all of there time on this game, so this is there way to get there money back using the deals and to have more money to buy there needs and some wants (also hyped about these possible mini-figures) and so I yet agree with this

2: but I also agree that,as it is fair that they get there money they make it a pay-to-win game, I know there trying to make it fair and a pay to win game, but they allow all the rich players to buy everything, even the new overpowered robots, I say just make the deals a little less op

But even if I agree with both points doesn't mean I can't make my own complaint that I don't think is heard very often, it takes WAY too long to get exp for the new workshop, I am was halfway through level 16 and I am pretty much halfway in the raijgn components and all I got in exp was this long →{{{{{ and I'm supposed to get four more levels to unlock my fifth slot to make it a little more efficient? It takes WAAAY too long to get exp, but that is pretty much what I think... ~Hypersquid61


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