War Robots

Neil Nadelman

Neil Nadelman6 年前

" It’s about time we give them more love and make teamwork even more convenient and interesting than before."

Then stop creating weapons like the Shocktrain that specifically punish players who use teamwork to fight.

Neil Nadelman6 年前

These events are now things to be dreaded. The grind is insane, and the rewards piddling. I don't need another Leo with a paint job. I don't need another damn Aphid or Trebuchet or (God forbid) a freaking Trident. Getting wins has become almost impossible due to people tanking down to lower leagues, and getting beacons is now a chore thanks to random mode throwing me into Death Match all the time. Most of the time, I could never even connect to a Capture the Flag game!

Want to make events meaningful again? Then let us choose a prize or two to work for and then let us build up points towards components. Maybe what I need are a couple of Tempests. Well, then let me choose my event reward to be Tempest components, and then give me a variety of tasks to let me work toward them. And something other than "wins" or "wins in the top three," because I often have no control over how good the rest of my team is. And don't make beacon capping a requirement and then throw me into Death Match over and over. You're just encouraging me to eject four times and then fight for a few minutes.

tl;dr - Lunar New Year was a joke, as are all the events now. I can't wait till the next one. I'll bet Pixonic will offer me yet another Magnum, then a Leo, then some special, then an Aphid, then a Trident, then a Treb, then some other robot nobody uses anymore, then an Orkan, and then some more prizes I'll never actually reach.


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