War Robots

That one guy


I am that one guy who also plays War Robots.

That one guy7 年前

If you guys are going to be showing off all kinds of new ability robots in the test server, I'd like to see abilities being added to ALL bots. Old bots should be acquiring their own abilities. Make the game 'pay to have unique weapons and bots' not 'pay to have the most powerful weapons and bots'. I'm a free player and the direction this game is going ensures I rarely even play it, let alone spend my hard earned money on it.

That one guy7 年前

Exorcist is a fine name to me. But if it must be changed, my suggestions are as follows. I tried to list them in order from favorite to least favorite.... Though I feel all of my recommended names fit this robot just about perfectly. I have listed the definitions next to each name.

Here they are:

1. Reaper (One who tills the crops.)
2. Arbiter (One who settles a dispute or has ultimate authority in a matter.)
3. Devastator (One who confounds or overwhelms, as with grief or shock.)
4. Interceptor (One who stops or catches a person/thing going from one place to another, seeing as how this bot is quick, and loaded for bear, I really do like this name.)
5. Wizard (One who wields magic.)
6. Osprey (A large, raptorial, fish eating, bird of prey.)
7... Maybe I'll think of something else before a name is chosen...

That one guy7 年前

The two issues I see with this game at this point in time is that too many players destroy all but one bot at the beginning of every other battle, then when they lose that last bot they drop rank and use ads. The second issue is that the dash bots are simply too overpowered. I watch during every game, and Kumiho captures approx 5 beacons and Haechi kills approx 5 robots before they die, every time. Bulgasari is pretty well on balanced, although it could use a slight nerf.

I'd also like to see light bots continue being at least somewhat relevant. A generous boost to their hit points and speed would do just that. Especially with the new beacon rush, where enemies can spawn right next to you and eject you from your light bot within 1.5 seconds. It's pretty sad. Please boost all of those little guys!!!
Please and thanks!

That one guy7 年前

The two issues I see with this game at this point in time is that too many players destroy all but one bot at the beginning of every other battle, then when they lose that last bot they drop rank and use ads. The second issue is that the dash bots are simply too overpowered. I watch during every game, and Kumiho captures approx 5 beacons and Haechi kills approx 5 robots before they die, every time. Bulgasari is pretty well on balanced, although it could use a slight nerf.

I'd also like to see light bots continue being at least somewhat relevant. A generous boost to their hit points and speed would do just that. Especially with the new beacon rush, where enemies can spawn right next to you and eject you from your light bot within 1.5 seconds. It's pretty sad. Please boost all of those little guys!!!
Please and thanks!

That one guy7 年前

Lol @ "it gets to the beacon before Rhino and Rogatka and destroys them both"

Really what happens is it captures the beacon, and then he spawns his ridiculously OP Haechi on it and kills them both.

That one guy7 年前

I have remembered a few more potential names for this bot. Although I do believe my previous ideas are the most fitting. I have included the definitions for each name. I have also included my previous ideas.

Here they are(previous):

1. Reaper (One who tills the crops.)
2. Arbiter (One who settles a dispute or has ultimate authority in a matter. Along the same lines as the Inquisitor.)
3. Devastator, Marauder, Ravager (One who confounds or overwhelms, as with grief or shock.)
4. Interceptor (One who stops or catches a person/thing going from one place to another, seeing as how this bot is quick, and loaded for bear, I really do like this name.)
5. Wizard, Sorcerer, Magi (One who wields powerful magic.)
6. Osprey (A large, raptorial, fish eating, bird of prey.)


7. Assassin, Executioner (An agent of murder.)
8. Champion, Paladin, Crusader (One who uses great skill and fights for a cause. These are also the closest to the origin of it's big brother,
the Inquisitor)
9. Reaver (A plundering forager.)
10. Highwayman, Brigand, Pillager, Raider, Corsair (One who strips another of anything valuable.)
11. Destroyer, Annihilator, Obliterator, Eradicator, Exterminator, Demolisher (An agent of destruction.)
12. Executor (One appointed by another to carry out their will. Also a compliment for Inquisitor.)

My absolute favorites have to be..
1. Interceptor
2. Assassin
3. Sorcerer
4. Raider
5. Reaper
6. Arbiter

These 6 names fit it's stats and abilities perfectly. The rest of the names are pretty good though as well.

I'll be curious to see what becomes of it's new name.

Peace dudes!

That one guy7 年前

I have remembered a few more potential names for this bot. Although I do believe my previous ideas are the most fitting. I have included the definitions for each name. I have also included my previous ideas.

Here they are(previous):

1. Reaper (One who tills the crops.)
2. Arbiter (One who settles a dispute or has ultimate authority in a matter. Along the same lines as the Inquisitor.)
3. Devastator, Marauder, Ravager (One who confounds or overwhelms, as with grief or shock.)
4. Interceptor (One who stops or catches a person/thing going from one place to another, seeing as how this bot is quick, and loaded for bear, I really do like this name.)
5. Wizard, Sorcerer, Magi (One who wields powerful magic.)
6. Osprey (A large, raptorial, fish eating, bird of prey.)


7. Assassin, Executioner (An agent of murder.)
8. Specter, Ghost, Wraith, Phantom, Apparition, Shade, Shadow, Banshee, Ethereal (An invisible, ethereal being. Wraith is another very fitting name, and the robot itself actually looks like a wraith, with the red eyes glowing against a dark blue backdrop.)
9. Champion, Paladin, Crusader (One who uses great skill and fights for a cause. These are also the closest to the origin of it's big brother,
the Inquisitor)
10. Reaver (A plundering forager.)
11. Highwayman, Brigand, Pillager, Raider, Corsair (One who strips another of anything valuable.)
12. Destroyer, Annihilator, Obliterator, Eradicator, Exterminator, Demolisher (An agent of destruction.)
13. Executor (One appointed by another to carry out their will. Also a compliment for Inquisitor.)

My absolute favorites have to be..
1. Interceptor
2. Wraith
3. Assassin
4. Sorcerer
5. Raider
6. Reaper
7. Arbiter

These 7 names fit it's stats and abilities perfectly. The rest of the names are pretty good though as well.

I'll be curious to see what becomes of it's new name.

Peace dudes!

That one guy7 年前

First off, I have to agree that the fake covers are pretty ugly, except in urban maps like dead city, power plant and shenzhen, but they would look better with some crater looking textures under them as if they were dropped from an interstellar Battlecruiser for tactical purposes, as it stands it looks like they just teleported there. For other more rural maps I'd love to see more natural looking covers than the giant metal slabs.

Also, my thoughts on the game modes. My personal favorites are Domination, Team Deathmatch and FFA. Perhaps by lumping Domination/Beacon Rush and TDM/FFA you can create 2 main ques for anyone not using custom match. If I was you I'd scrap king of the hill for now, but that's me. Additionally, as much as I enjoy the fast paced gameplay of Beacon Rush, I find it completely killed the effectiveness of light bots(which will lead into my last thoughts.) In Domination I can still somewhat effectively capture beacons with them.

I've put this idea in the play store review already, but I'll drop it here too. Next time you release new bots please consider creating some legless hovering bots, treaded tank bots, wheeled bots, and six-legged bots. The uniqueness of those bots would be EPIC.

As my final suggestion, PLEASE increase the hit points and speed of the light bots, give people a reason to use them. Personally, I love my idea of making them very fast/hard to hit harassers, that could take out a close ranged Leo in one on one combat by simply closing the gap and dancing around it unloading it's salvo. Which is something I used to be able to accomplish before all this extra damage hit the battlefield. I feel Destrier should have the hit points of the current Gepard, and the Gepard should be powered up accordingly, as with the rest of the light bots. I also think that the Cossack should gain much better speed. Looking at him, he should be able to run at about 64km/h at level 8. When you consider his big brother Rogatka can outrun him it's just wrong.

I know I said that was my final suggestion but...

Some cool thoughts for new weapons and abilities I recently had. Abilities: Orbital link canon, mine drop(which persist even after your bot is destroyed) , cruise missile, repair drones, attack drones, emp blast, anti-smart/dumb missile laser, overcharge(divert all power to weapons to increase fire rate, while stopping the bot temporarily)... As for weapon ideas: Shock rifles(which temporarily lower energy shields), microwave beams(that temporarily slow enemy bots), cluster grenades(which damage a large area, magnetic rail guns(which punch holes through robots, damaging any caught behind), etc...

As a fun thought I have been thinking about actual melee weapons joining the game some day. Like a large chainsaw, hydraulic spear, giant ginsu blade, etc. It might be difficult to implement melee weapons but I figured I'd let you know my thoughts.

Remember Devs, these are just my ideas on how to keep everyone happy and make this already amazing game into a better game.

Keep up the good work, and please remember, keep the game pay to advance quicker and have more unique bots, not pay to win. =}

That one guy7 年前

Matchmaking is not determined by level, friend. It is determined by league. So it wouldn't affect who you battle against, it would simply give players more reason to play regularly. Among many other, strictly beneficial effects.

That one guy7 年前

I've been asking them to put dash on Shutze for a great while so that I can actually see people using it, as well as buff all the light bots. I don't think light bots should only. E useful as a noob. They should be hard to hit, quicker(than they are now) little beacon ghosties with enough hit points to get them to their first beacon once they are spotted.

That one guy7 年前

While they are at it they could change Kumiho to light and change one of it's medium weapons to a light. Change one of Haechi's medium weapons to a light, or better yet remove it completely. Additionally, change Bulgasari to a heavy and reduce the speed of all three of those aggravating bots. When players face them in battle it instantly causes rage. Kumiho is the undisputed beacon grabber, and the other 2 can take out 8 bots before ejecting. Damned ridiculous.

Love ya Pixonic, :)

That one guy7 年前

If you guys tweak the premium to give players extra gold as well as the current experience and silver, and add workshop points to the mix, more people would jump on it. Adding more player levels at least up to 50 - 100 would help with that seeing as how exp becomes completely useless after you hit level 30, as well it would help clans with a better idea of who to recruit. I don't understand why it cuts off at 30. When I started playing this game and before long I was max level, I thought what the f_ck!?!?

The idea to make more $$$ is to treat players fairly for the money they go to work every day to earn. As it stands, every aspect of the $$$ spending system is set very greedily. Most people do not have 6 figure incomes. So when you segregate those who do from those who have higher priorities such as family, and life security, resentment builds among your player base. After all, a video game is a form of escape from harsh reality for a great many people.

Show this comment to your CEO if possible. Maybe the damage being done to this great game can be reversed if the morals he had when he was a child are returned to him.

I live in America, but I am open for hire as your chief money maker. Believe me when I say I'd treat the players fairly and make us all rich at the same time.

That one guy7 年前

I think a simple energy shield bar, durability bar, and bot level(in the form of a number) next to them both will work just fine. But I'm sure whatever ya'll come up with will work just fine. As long as we can get the main issues taken care of.

That one guy7 年前

Of course people hate when you blow yourself up as they are about to destroy you. Many people play hard to earn resources. Self destructing and taking away one's rightful kill is really just a dick move.

That one guy7 年前

Let's see the robots sorted in hangars by weight class and go back to the weight class roots as well. Maybe give each robot a weight in it's description. I loved the idea of light, medium, heavy bots. Somewhere down the line you could even come up with super heavy(assault) like Raijin and above, and super light(recon) like Cossack and below.

That one guy7 年前

Nerf the fking dash bots.

Also, mail.ru is actively working to undermine America taking Facebook data from players and using them for hostile actions such as electing a greedy, corporate, war mongering idiot as president of the United States.

That one guy7 年前

Way to milk the idiot Americans for all they have, and leave out the fact that boosters are yet another and in fact biggest pay to win roll out, and that all game earning were decreased heavily. "All proceeds go toward keeping Trump in office." Should be mail.ru's motto. I'm sending information on this game directly to the FBI. At the very least it can be removed from the play store. :)


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