War Robots


Slash-19666 年前

Valid complaints! you people at PIX pay close attention because I'm leading up to a point. I'm 51 years old and I was gaming before any of you were even born starting with Pong in 1972. I've been playing WR for 3 years and I know I have a clean record with 5194 victories I never paid money to get - and that's on my 3rd account alone.
1: With the Nov 17th 3.4 update came nothing but freezing and crashes on my Android. It got even worse with the Lunar New Year update. It was to a point that the game was unplayable. I couldn't into matches anymore and when I did they crashed. After following the Pix advice on how to cure the problem yesterday I did a full reset on my phone and did a clean install of WR. It still crashes and freezes! A mid game crash or freeze counts as leaving or tanking.
2: When I moved in January I had a very bad connection where I live and I lost connection dozens of times. Many matches had to be abandoned. This counts as leaving or tanking.
3: Tasks vs game modes. If we get tasks to capture beacons then we get dumped in TDM all day and leave before the match even starts THIS TOO counts as leaving or tanking!
4: Why the hell did you create a Deathmatch mode when the game is already Deathmatch!? The original mode called "Dominance" now is deathmatch! TDM- Nobody likes it and players eject on both both sides at the start. I've seen whole teams leave all but 1 player left on the team. Even dumber yet leaving counts as a kill for the opposing team. Clearly no one likes it! Least of all me because it doesn't lead to tasks being completed. So I leave before the match starts and this counts as leaving or tanking?
5: A couple of days ago I suspected I was in the LQ. I couldn't get matches anymore. I go for the remedy of creating squads. The 1st one is with a clan mate. Everything goes well until I hit To Battle. The game freezes!! Another tank or leave, right!? I reboot my phone and send a message to my clan mate apologizing for the problem. I finally got into a couple of matches yesterday. In one we had a victory. I was the best in the match. No gold, no silver, no keys. Reward? -- just over 2500 silver. WTH?? And no one else got rewards that I could see. What's the point of playing for battle rewards if that's all you get?

When do I actually leave? It's rare but I do it. When my idiotic Bronze League team mates have allowed us to be overrun within 20 seconds of start is a good time to leave. Why the hell are they even in Diamond matches? Why add a loser to my record for playing my best? Does this make sense? Not from a player perspective. Several days ago my victory rate was hovering around 70%. Today it's at 36% for being the best loser? STUPID, and a good reason to leave! So today while typing this out I waited over 22 minutes for a match that didn't come. Then I get a invite to a squad. To Battle--No players can be found in over 2 minutes? Leadership is xferd to me. Do it again. Cancel. Do it again. Nothing - no players found. Cancel. I review who is online in my lists. No one! Why?

HERE is your problem. No one wants to play anymore because of the pay-to-win players and their super bots. AND no one wants to play anymore because of random mode. I've already asked a few people about this - not to mention what people say on your Facebook page. I want to play but can't because of your screwed LQ and tanker penalties which aren't getting any tankers or league droppers. It gets people with buggy glitchy updates, crashing games, freezes, and bad connections. Meanwhile the tankers are free to play on. I'm seeing fewer and fewer players in matches these days. No more 6v6, more like 4-5, 5-6, 3-5 etc THIS SHOULD BE A HINT TO YOU. People aren't playing anymore.

BUSINESS? GUESS WHAT? You're seeing short term profits and it all looks good, right? But if the players with their pay-to-win MK2 super bots have no one left to shoot because of your screwed up system?--You'll be out of business soon. Trust me, I know. I own a business too and I've learned some lessons about doing things a little "too good". I do the jobs so well that they don't call back for years - they don't have to. So I had to change how I did things. You might want try the Henry Ford approach on your business model "cars for the masses". A few days ago I was going to use my credit card and finish the job of getting what's left on a Kumbo. I was sent to LQ instead. So now that can't play I can just sit and wait for a free Kumbo via the Supply Line drops9among other things. I'm a few days away from a free Kumbo now (let that sink in). Again, you missed the money.

RECOMMENDATION? It was the leagues that started the problem of tanking, and it was the random mode and update bugs that caused leaving. You might want to get rid of leagues and go for individual ranking like most other game devs do. Get rid of random modes and let players select what they want instead. and DEFINITELY get rid of themes. All the rewards tasks, puzzles, chests, drops... It has us doing everything but playing matches - which is the point of the game. I'm playing Robokrieg now because I can't play WR anymore. I'm seeing all the classic ranking structure and it's still the best way to do it. Since the game is relatively new and the devs are asking for player feedback I could easily see this game being very damaging to your profit margin. The WR copycat devs and apps are popping up all over Google Play. Why did that happen? What are taking advantage of? Pix losing players by the thousands. In my own clan only 10 of 26 play now. Why? Let be anecdotal for a minute. Early in my clan we had a pay-to-win player. Boy did he spend some money! He quit the day the leagues were released.

You folks have some thinking to do.

Good day

Slash-19666 年前

All these new weapons are gimmicks made to make players open their wallets on the false idea it's a wonder weapon. I have 5 Rhinos. One is lvl11 and lvl11 Orkans and Pinatas. I can often play an entire match with JUST that bot. And win! Why? Because pay-to-win noobs have zero skills or tactics! Some of these Mk2 players go down easier than than casual old school Gold League players with classic bots. When a scourge hits one of my Rhinos I just keep walking and don't even worry about it. If they piss me off enough I turn and kill them!


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