War Robots
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ID x83a9i
MadCatieshace 7 años

Must say from my point of view, since I spent lot of money and now that what I bought should be given to everybody for +- free I will be little bit frustruated :-((...so I like it as it is now ..... ! all have the same possibilities ...it is about priorities...I did not buy new TV I bought Heachi

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MadCatieshace 6 años

Dears after todays Update I can NOT identify colour of beam !!! I am not colour blind but have problem with certain colours ...and cannot see what colour it is ...on the ground yes ...BUT not Beam !

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MadCatieshace 6 años

I do not know If I should start to cry or immediately to leave :-((( It will be never ending ...... again economic changes ??!!! I spent my time, money for items...uprgraded for millions of silver ...now new pilots will have it cheaper, can upgrade cheaper items what are for me unreachable upgrades by to incredible high price ...levels 10 and more fo everything new.....

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