War Robots
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Mike Hill

Mike Hillhace 6 años

I like what you have planned so far and don't listen to the people complaining all the time. The game has issues that need to be addressed (primarily cost of new gear is crazy guys), but overal i think you guys are stepping in a good direction. I have an idea for all the modes. Only have 3 on random and 1 by itself at a time. You can always cycle through what's in random like you are doing on the weekends and then the one by itself will be the latest mode. Thanks for a great game guys and I hope you are listening to the players that really enjoy your hard work.

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Mike Hillhace 6 años

What about throwing in some gold in the suply drops and battle rewards? I know you guys said you were keeping daily tasks but for champion league players its the same as the 30k daily win bonus. Even with completed daily tasks and the gold you get each match it quite slow going to save gold and it requires quite a bit of gold just to speed up upgrades. I really like everything you guys said so far with that exception.

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Mike Hillhace 6 años

Sounds awesome. I can't wait for work shop 2.0. Also please address the cost of premium BOTS and weapons. They are currently way to high, I spend money to support the game because I know you have to pay your employees to but the current cost is a bit out of control. I know 2.0 would help a bunch but for those too impatient to wait and just want to buy stuff the old 50 bucks wasn't so bad 300 IS just not going to happen for me. Thank WE for a great game.

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Mike Hillhace 6 años

Can't wait for exodus. But like many others I wonder if bulwark will be able to take all the damage a specter can deal, unless that's the point and the specter is it's direct counter bot. I hope you guys put it in skirmish on launch of 3.9 so we can test it out. Looks like a fun bot to play. Time will tell. Please update us on falcon as well it looks promising. Constructive criticism the prices for upgrading some of the new gear is getting crazy. 55 mil for raven level 12 IS almost unattainable for lower level players and it's already quite hard to max stuff out even in champion league with all the increased ways to get silver we are still stugling to get enough for upper levels. Thanks for the update WR.

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Mike Hillhace 6 años

I usually see a lot of negative comments but I would like to thank you WR. The last few updates and WP 2.0 are pretty much proof you guys are listening. I like that your giving better equipment faster and more silver. The longer wait times for upgrades I do understand as a trade off but have you guys considered mk2 and multiple hangars. It took me in champion league about 9 months to get all my level 12 stuff in 1 hangar to mk2 12 and I sped stuff up with gold. For multiple hangars your talking about years for a brand new player to get 2 to 3 hangars maxed out. I focused on a set group of gear I knew was good for my league but as you progress the the BOTS that you were working and spending silver on become less viable. You then have to ditch them for newer better gear. I hope you guys consider that and over all I think things are definitely moving in the right direction and you guys are doing a good job.

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Mike Hillhace 6 años

Also being able to pick the components we want out of the 4 you provide would be great so we can focus on the ones we want more. Thanks for listening and keep up the great work

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Mike Hillhace 6 años

Or add some gold to the supply drops and BR so that every once in a while if we save we can speed up that level 12 upgrade that takes so long. Thanks WR

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Mike Hillhace 6 años

Can't wait for the new update WR THANKS. I also believe as another already mention 2 upgrade ques would Also be appreciated and would help with the speed of upgrading.

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Mike Hillhace 6 años

So at first I was excited about the update until you guys updated the web site to day. Some quick math shows that it takes almost 2 months to upgrade an exodus to level 12. How on earth could you guys think that that is ok? In a single hangar you will have 20 plus items to upgrade. Spending 2 months to get a single item to level 12 makes us feel like it's not worth playing any more. I've been playing since 2015 and I just now have 1 hangar mk2 level 12. I got 2 others hoping to get some nice set ups but in champion league your gear has to be at least level 11 or 12 mk1 just to keep up and at this rate I will die of old age be fore I have 2 to 3 hangars maxed. If any thing the introduction of up to five hangars should have reduced wait times for upgrades. And I'm glad we are getting more silver but it kind of defeats the pion when a new light weapon is 45 million to upgrade from level 11 to 12. THE LAST FEW UPDATES SEEMED TO BE GOING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION BUT THIS ONE WAS FILLED WITH COOL NEW GEAR AND HORIBLE ECONEMY CHANGES. PLEAS RETHINK THIS FOR THE NEXT UPDATE. Or come up with ways to drastically deacreas wait times like the more hangars you have the less the wait time or the higher league you are in the less wait time for level 1 to 10 because we can't even play with gear less than 10 and still compete. Sorry for the long rant but after seeing the wait times I'm not sure this game is even worth trying to play any more

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Mike Hillhace 6 años

WR we really really appreciate the decreased time and expense for getting new gear. Thank you! My only concern is that after doing the math for some of the new gear if you don't speed any thing up with gold it would take 2 months just to upgrade an exodus (example) to level 12. That's 2 months for one piece of gear to level 12 MK1. As you can imagine if your trying to upgrade even 2 to 3 hangars it would take years. The increased silver is a problem as well. New and better gear should be more to upgrade than older less powerful gear but not to the extent it currently is. The spark for instance is more to upgrade than the dragoon, a much more powerful weapon. I really think you guys should completely overhaul every bot and weapon making less powerful gear much cheaper to purchase and upgrade this would give the incentive to choose less powerful gear because it's cheaper and would ultimately broaden the amount of different gear used in every league. Also given the huge difference in silver to upgrade new gear there is not much of an incentive for us to upgrade it when it's so expensive and not much better than what we already have. (Example) I have a mk2 level12 spectre why would I need a bulwark when it's less effective and vastly harder to upgrade. MY RECOMENDATION make older gear I.E. molots, punishers, griffins, Leo's and other silver aquired gear far cheaper to upgrade than Orkans turans and knights of Camelot BOTS and new gear dash BOTS scourge spark dragoon more expensive but not as expensive as it currently is. I believe this would open up the META where some players with the drive to go for the newest most powerfull gear CAN and other players can choose older gear with less overall damage output but cheaper and less time consuming to upgrade. Also in the daily bonus tasks you could have tasks that give an instant upgrade to what ever we chose i.e. no wait time for one upgrade. If you chose not to revamp the upgrade system we will need more silver and gold even over doubling the battle rewards especially for champion league players as we really can't use gear until it's level 9 or 10 to even see if we like it. Hope you like my ideas WR and can't wait for July 5th. Keep up the good work!

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Mike Hillhace 6 años

I'm glad to see the update will fix plasma issues and I hope you are serious about the next ECONEMY CHANGES. The current economic state is terrible from a plays perspective and it's even worse for champion league players. The problem MK2 and several hangars coupled with REDICULOUS silver and wait times I'm not sure if you guys acualy did the math but for example a MK2 level12 furry exodus it would take over 16 months and 1.7 billion silver(wrap your head around that for a second) and you'll see under the new ECONEMY there is no way we could possibly level more than one hangar to max befor we get sick of playing follow that by champion players can't even use gear less than level 10 or 11 with out getting wrecked. THE SOLUTION: Adjust the ECONEMY so a player can have a decent say 3 hangars in a year or so and by decent I mean mk1 level 12 after that thay can shoot for mk2. Yes some players may choose to max level 1 hangar but to truly be prepared for all game modes I think you need at least 3. This can be done by granting bonus decreased silver and wait times for every hangar you unlock. Further more adjust upgrade times and wait times for every league balancing out in the middle, I.E. new players have slightly more wait time for lower level gear but reduced silver cost. Champion players who make silver have higher silver cost but reduced wait times for levels 1 through 10 so we can actually use it and be competitive. Finally reduce both silver and wait times for all the new gear that is flat out REDICULOUS. New better gear should cost more to upgrade but at a reasonable rate. A light spark should never cost more than a turan for example. I didn't want to complain with out offering up a solution so I hope you like what you see in my ideas and possibly implement something in 4.2. I love this game and in a lot of areas it's great but the new ECONEMY I think is the worst thing to happen in a long time.

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Mike Hillhace 6 años

Can't wait for the new update but can you guys please reconsider this new ECONEMY. I'm a champion league player with multiple hangars and there is absolutely no way I could have all my gear mk2 level12 with this new economy. We really appreciate WP 2.0 and the cheaper ways to get new BOTS and weapons but we can't use them because it takes so long to upgrade. This is a very big deal and I hope you will address it soon

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Mike Hillhace 6 años

The new update seems great but doesn't address the biggest problem in the game THE ECONOMY CHANGE. It is hands down the worst thing to happen in the game in the last few years. We have multiple hangars to fill and under this new ECONEMY 1 bot build could take over a year. This makes most of not care about new weapons and gear because of the quite absurd time and silver required to upgrade. I'd rather upgrade the gear I have faster and for less silver. PLEASE address this issue as soon as possible.

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Mike Hillhace 6 años

I played the last test server and these BOTS are good but not any more op than the spectre. BUT we couldn't use lock down weapons on the last test. My issue with these BOTS is what happens when you get suppressed and locked down together. You can't defend your self or run for cover. Work shop 2.0 is great but we really need to work on the ECONEMY it's a disaster.

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Mike Hillhace 6 años

Pixonic here is some feed back from an avid player. I'm all for balance changes but I'd rather see an older bot buffed than all my new bots nerfed. Keep the new gear where it is unless it needs a slight buff like the hell burner or other new bot you think need a minor increases and bring the older stuff up to that level with speed, HP and ability tweaks. That way all of us who spent so much time and effort don't feel like we just got slapped in the face. I also feel like a lot of the weapons you plan to buff so they can be a viable option are in fact already great the problem is the economy why would I spend ridiculous amounts of time and silver upgrading an exodus or a spark or the new lock down weapons when there are MUCH CHEAPER alternatives that still work great. Balance is important but most of us also consider the cost of upgrades and time when we plan a build. Example exodus furry is a great set up for beacon defense but I will not even attempt to level up 3 exodus to mk2 level 12. I did the math it would take over a year and over a billion silver no thanks I'd rather use a cheaper bot that is almost as good. You might also see people use older gear if it was drastically cheaper to level Example under the old economy punishes cost the same to level as turrans, why use a punisher when I could level a turran that is better for the same price. I really hope this helps because that's what it's meant for not to bust you guys down you have made vast improvements to the game recently and a few set backs (economy change). Overall listen to the players and the games player base and your revenue will both be happy.

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Mike Hillhace 6 años

So what I gather from this is, no one was spending money on the game so you decided to make the workshop almost useless because we have to wait 2 months for new gear to make it to the workshop and another 2 months building components for 1 sing piece of equipment and another 2 months leveling it up which we cant afford to do because of the new economy and your hope is we will just buy it with real money. You could have just told us that in the article! It might work I don't know. I won't be falling for it but some might. Look at your revenue stream it was falling because we are tired of getting jerked around. Fix the economy why would we pay for items we cant use until we spend months upgrading it. You guys are seriously slipping

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Mike Hillhace 5 años

WR team this update represents a step in the right direction. Thank you for listening to our concerns. I still feel further adjustment is need and I'll tell you why. Mk2 and multiple hangars. I feel like upgrade times and cost should be set to where a good hard working player could have a max mk1 hangar in a few months. Mk2 by 6 months and there for a second mk2 hangar by 1 year. Keep in mind that's only if they decide on a set of gear and stick to it. Jumping back and forth will take longer. At the current economy level I feel no need to reach for the newest gear because it's so hard to level. Regardless of how good it is I'd rather have a mk2 max old bot like haichi than a level 10 new bot like pursuer. I do recognize the pursuer is better but under this economy I don't even want to try. In closing I think a level 12 upgrade for any bot or weapon should be capped at 35 million and 7 days. This would give us a sense of possibility and that hard work would pay off instead of a feeling that it's never going to happen.

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Mike Hillhace 5 años

# PIXONIC Obviously the modules will be tested but I see a big issue already. The anti stealth module, spectre and other stealth bots rely on stealth for balance. They typically have less health and no shielding, the ability to deny the stealth feature literally leaves them defenseless. Second issue that is being brought up by most players is the frequent influx of new gear. This concern can be overcome by an economy overhaul in a huge new direction. Instead of making weapons and bots so drastically expensive we are forced to focus an just a few pieces of meta equipment, make it to where equipment is far less expensive and time consuming to level from level 1 to level 10. This way once new gear is acquired it can be tested in the field. If you like it, level 11 and 12 will be considerably more expensive but you know it's an investment you are making wisely. Another option for mk2 is to just cost gold. You pay the 500 gold and your level 12 gear instantly becomes mk2 level 12 so that you dont have to spend time and silver RE leveling all your stuff. Hope this help development.

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Mike Hillhace 5 años

Please keep WR royale. Yes we can build components in WS but royale offered us the chance to get a few thousand all at once. So overall we were able to get a few from blak market a few from battle rewards and a few from royale and finish bots with WS. But now we no longer get the black market keys in supply drops and you are phasing out royale leaving mostly just WS and battle rewards and battlefield rewards we dont get to pick what we get. So changing the economy because new gear was easier to get is no longer true.

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