War Robots
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ID RG5050
BigXIICowboyhace 6 años

I find it hard to believe that supply drops will make up for the removal of the "first wins of the day". I play daily, but with silver, gold, components, keys, influence points it is starting to get too much to enjoy the game. I will wait and see. But with you track record, this new economy is suspect to say the least.

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BigXIICowboyhace 6 años

Components should be for ANY weapon. Players should be able to pick and choose what weapon we want to apply our components to. What good is a component if it is for a weapon that the player does not want or need?

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BigXIICowboyhace 6 años

Why would work shop points have to be converted in the 1st place? The players use their hard earned resources for work shop points. Why in the hell would they want to convert them to keys? Why would the game want to get rid of a player's WP points? Also, when are they going to get really serious about nerfing Shocktrains? This last "re-balance" did little, very little to address the Shocktrains. The small changes that were made, were NOT ENOUGH!

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BigXIICowboyhace 6 años

How about fixing the games problems before we go adding new modes?
A: The dash bot problem has yet to be corrected.
B: The shock train weapon still need to be dealt with.
C: The economy still (for lack of a better word) SUCKS.
D: The random mode forces people to play game modes they don't like.
I suggest those issues be dealt with 1st.

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BigXIICowboyhace 6 años

Gambling. That is a term that Pixonic needs to get to know (if they have not already). The black market, & royal are nothing more then gambling or games of chance. EA got the spotlight on this industry with it's last Starwars game release. War Robots seems to be going down the same road. There are a number of American legislators and State's Attorney Generals looking at this industry. Certain EU government bodies are looking into this as well. Rather then giving us more ways to gamble, how about making a real effort to fix the over-powered weapons in the game. Just a thought.....

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BigXIICowboyhace 6 años

I some of my test server comments I have asked for the ability to retrofit older bots (silver) so they can remain competitive. Maybe my voice has been heard. However, the the example modules just given to us do nothing for me. I want to retrofit dash ability to my Leo. I want to retrofit my xxxx with stealth. etc..etc.. Right now Modules in their current form is a Non Starter for me. Thank You

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BigXIICowboyhace 6 años

I really enjoy this game. But this Support bot idea does nothing for me. With so many new bots, maps etc, the fun is leaving the game. Hard to enjoy a game when it is not fun anymore.

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BigXIICowboyhace 6 años

How about a module that does 90% damage to any bot using an over powered Shocktrain or Orkan? LOL All kidding aside, The Shocktrain is STILL overpowered. It might not be a bad idea to add the Orkan to the overpowered conversation too. I spend a lot of time and effort improving my bots and my tactics. I even spend a little money each month on this game. However I will not spend a ton of money to get some of these overpowered bots and weapons. Nope, won't do it. I guess that is "my bad". But I will not do it. I am not asking for an equal outcome in this game. I am asking for an equal opportunity to come out on top with out having to spend a ton of money to do it.

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BigXIICowboyhace 6 años

This is looking very bad for players. Longer upgrades times and modules? What a nightmare! Sorry for being so negative, but Pix you just don't have any credibility anymore. I think another slap in the face is coming.....

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BigXIICowboyhace 6 años

I am calling B. S. on that! Sounds to me like Silver is getting devalued again. Why should it take longer to upgrade? Pixonic haven't you slapped us in the face long enough? Dump the hugely inflated and over priced component system. This game should be about having fun and developing skills. Not a constant grind for a couple of keys, or 30 pcs of silver.

Here is an idea: along with sliver, we also earn components from our game play. Let us decide what weapon or bot we apply them to. So if you earn 1000 components in game play you can put 250 toward a bot, 500 towards a weapon , etc,etc.

I really like playing this game and I play it several times a day. However I cannot take many more slaps in the face Pixonic.

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BigXIICowboyhace 6 años

Stop with the modules! Please! There are so many other things in this game that need to be fixed. It is like you are adding on to a house built on a foundation of sand. Sooner or later that house will come crashing down around your feet. There are many areas that need to be addressed before you add longer upgrade times and modules. For example weapons: Shocktrain still over powered, Dragoons and shield busters under powered. How about fixing the targeting issues? And of course matchmaking. Fix that stuff 1st and you may not have this game come crashing down around your feet.

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BigXIICowboyhace 6 años

Turning workshop points in blackmarket keys is a bad idea for the player because is devalues whatever currency the player used to get the points. Plus
it forces players to gamble. I think all that is a violation of Apple, Facebook, and Google's TOS.

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BigXIICowboyhace 6 años

Workshop 2.0 is just another slap in the face to the players!

#1: Robots cost more and take longer.
#2: Weapons cost more and take longer.
#3: As a result of the above, silver has been devalued (again)!
#4: Guess what? Gold buys less then it did before!

This is robbery, plan and simple!

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