War Robots
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Dante Reed

Dante Reedhace 6 años

I agree with some of the balance changes but not all of them. In particular I don't agree with the gust, aphid, pinata, and avenger nerf. I believe the Avenger was fine as is, the pinata was mediocre at best and you will be lucky to hit anything that moves faster than 30 kph with the aphid, but the gust nerf irks me the most. My maxed out level 12 Mark II Gus did 6600 damage that has been reduced to 5670, nearly a thousand damage points less. The gust was one of the few light weapons that packed a punch and though it was powerful the trade-off was you have get within 200 meters and expose yourself to damage in order to do maximum damage. I believe the Halo was responsible for the gust nerf because maxed out they did around the same damage so why spend 270,400,000 silver and 90 days to max out a Halo when you can get a gust maxed out with 127,880,000 silver in 34 days. I believe you Nerf the gust to incentivize people to acquire the Halo. that may be the reason we haven't received a thunder buff yet because you don't want the cheaper easier to acquire Thunder to do the same amount of damage the glory does. I hope my theory is incorrect because this would suggest that SOME of the balance changes where made to incentivize people to acquire the new products that you released, which would be a pretty sleazy move.

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Dante Reedhace 6 años

Oui à peu près, il sera capable de toucher plusieurs cibles et son rayon.Cela peut aussi causer des dégâts aux robots furtifs. Ce pourrait être une arme intéressante pour traiter les robots furtifs et les tableaux de bord, car elle n’a pas besoin de verrouiller.
Désolé pour le mauvais français, ce n'est pas ma langue maternelle. J'utilise Google Translate pour écrire ceci.

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Dante Reedhace 6 años

You know I like to gripe about the things pixonic does, but I give you guys some credit you put a lot of effort into adding new things in the game. Speaking of new things I have an idea for a new weapon how about the Eye of Horus a heavy weapon with 400m range which acts like a spotlight of death.it does damage to all objects and it's beam and get stronger the closer the enemy is. It's kind of like a flux but instead of a long range narrow beam it's a broad short-range beam which does more damage the closer you are

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