War Robots
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Dliverhace 6 años

This has to be the worst event ever. Pixonic has gotten so tight fisted that they messed up their own anniversary event. Doesn't even feel like anything is happening.

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Dliverhace 6 años

Hopefully you'll do a better job with the ranking system than you did with the punitive ranking system that currently exists for individual players.

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Dliverhace 6 años

I'm going to wait and see on this one. I've seen too many games ruined by the over complications due to modules. Also what are the prices going to be? 100 or 200 dollars US? With the ridiculous prices you have for weapons and bots it is something that needs to be known.

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Dliverhace 6 años

The new currency for the Royale sucks. The cost progression is to large and you can't easily get more tokens easily. At least with gold you had a steady stream coming in. All I can deduce from this is that this is just another gimmick to part us from our money. It also shows the low esteem that you hold the community and your customers in.

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Dliverhace 6 años

Really? You've thrown the game way out of balance by putting a bunch of bots and weapons out at a stupidly insane pace and your answer is - Yes we'll make it easier to get them but we'll extend the wait for upgrades to keep it in balance. Just leave the wait times alone. They're fine where they're at. Make it easier for everyone to get the new stuff and time will balance things out.

Do you guys have someone that everytime you come up with a good idea, it's their job to mess it up. Well that's what you are doing. Messing up a good idea by extending wait times on upgrades. By the way give that guy a raise. He's been messing a lot of your decisions lately.

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Dliverhace 6 años

It all comes down to another way to make more money. By dragging out the upgrade times they're just making it more tempting to spend money on speed ups. It's as simple as that. It has nothing to do with rebalancing the economy of the game other than balancing it in their favor so as to dig deeper in your pockets.

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Dliverhace 6 años

You've got to be freaking kidding me. On the one hand you say we're going to make it easier to get the new bots and then you say - Oh by the way, to keep the game balanced we're going to extend upgrade wait times. That is the biggest crock of horse muck I've ever heard. The upgrade times are well balanced right now. If you want to balance out the game then make it easier to get those bots and leave the upgrades alone. Nature will take it's course and things will balance out. I have to ask - Do you have some department or group that has to take every great idea and somehow has to see how to screw it up? It started with the American bots and first stupidly high prices for them. Then came the dash bots and the crazy insane prices for them plus making it almost impossible for regular people to get them. Then you have let's cram every new bot, weapon, map and mode we can think of down their throat till they puke idea. Now you finally come out with a reasonable proposal then have to ruin it with extending upgrade wait times. There has to be someone in the Dev's who just loves screwing the community over in some way. You've abused us over the last year. Please don't ruin the 1 idea that comes down the pike that is beneficial to us with the awful idea of extending wait times on upgrades.

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Dliverhace 6 años

I gotta say, there has to be a person on your staff whose only job is to screw up updates. You finally say that you are going to make it easier to get equipment then in the same breath say that you are going to increase wait times for upgrades. How does that help balance the game? The reason the game is unbalanced is that you made it so hard to get the new stuff in the first place and the pay to win guys are kicking the butts of the regular players. This is just stupid, out and out stupid. Are you trying to chase people away from the game. This update only effects the normal players who are having a horrible time keeping up with all the new stuff you're cramming down our throats, not the pay to win guys. They already have all this stuff. You say you are trying to create a better game experience. All you are doing is creating a frustrating game experience. You guys need to own up to the fact that this is a pay to win game and the normal players are the punching bags.

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